Sunday, April 14, 2013

Executive Intelligence Review, December 1978

December 5-11. 1978, Executive Intelligence Review, page 8, The big names behind the death cult,
November 25, 1978, Executive Intelligence Review, page 10, 'Is Satan dead?', From the London Economist of Nov. 25,
December 5-11. 1978, Executive Intelligence Review, page 11, Who created the Jones cult -- and why, by Scott Thompson,
December 5-11. 1978, Executive Intelligence Review, page 18, Cultism's roots in Mk-Ultra, by Michelle Steinberg,
December 5-11. 1978, Executive Intelligence Review, page 20, The media cultists,
December 5-11. 1978, Executive Intelligence Review, page 25, Cult politics take over" the California case,
December 5-11. 1978, Executive Intelligence Review, page 29, The Jones cult and the Mau Mau model;

1986, Educational Notes No. 1, Libertarian Alliance, The State, Obedience Training, and Young Rebels: In Defence of Youth Rights, by Ken Schoolland,

Special Report,

You've had your nose rubbed in every gory detail of the mass deaths at Jonestown. The SPECIAL REPORT featured on our cover tells the real story - who created the Jones cult. how they did it, and why.

Did you know that the Peoples Temple in Guyana was set up and operated as a drug-running base? That Jones's pedigree traces straight back to the CIA's infamous MK­ Ultra LSD project? That Jones's injunction "die with dignity" is being pushed as a mass cult by Ted Kennedy and the so-called hospice movement? That the whole cult business, from A to Z, is a British intelligence project? Our report. put together by Counterintelligence and Terrorism editor Jeffrey Steinberg and a team of expert investigators, reveals all this and more. page 8

On our cover: the cult behind the cults - the British oligarchy's Order of St. John of Jerusalem in full regalia.

December 5-11. 1978, Executive Intelligence Review, page 8, The big names behind the death cult,

First a U. S. Congressman was gunned down in the jungles of Guyana. Then over 900 members of the Peoples Temple of Jim Jones died in a grisly human sacrifice ritual. Then the mayor and a city supervisor of San Francisco, the Jones cult's home base, were assassinated. Warnings of terrorism by Jones cult members, and by former members, new cults threatening suicide and murder, were the stories inter­spersed in all the media amid the increasingly gruesome coverage of every aspect of the Jonestown massacre.

Of every aspect? In fact, the American people, the Congress, and professional law enforcement officials are now further from understanding the cause and the significance of those events than they were when the first reports were flashed back from Jonestown.

While the media inundates the population with its own brand of death cultism, the real story - the big
names behind the death cult - has gone unreported.

Both the "black propaganda" in most media, and the horrifying events themselves, are no spontaneous sociological phenomena. As a careful examination of the facts shows, the whole hideous business was deliberately created, cultivated, and deployed by a closely knit group of conspirators, whose control traces back to the British Special Operations Executive (SOE) and the cult formations in which the power around the British monarchy is organized. Its purpose is to wreck the foundations of the American political system, beginning with the Carter White House, to establish the preconditions for a massive wave of Baader-Meinhof style terrorism in the United States under the cover of fanatical pseudo-religious cults, and to remove all obstacles to the installation of Senator Edward Kennedy as President on, or before, Jan. 20, 1981.

Sound like Brave New World, or 1984? It should. For the Peoples Temple and the rest of the scenario is all the product of a 40-year-Iong British intelligence project run into the United States under the case officership of Aldous Huxley, and employing a vast array of individuals and institutions at a cost running into the billions of dollars.

The satanists of London's oligarchy

The following report will provide the average citizen and the trained investigator with the evidence to identify the criminals behind the death cult "move­ment," from the immediate controllers all the way to the top. Many have familiar names - Ted Kennedy, California governor Jerry Brown, Health, Education, and Welfare Secretary Joseph Califano, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski. A long list of private institutions and contaminated government agencies, acting as effective centers of SOE subversion in the U.S., put years of systematic, coordinated effort into Rev. Jones's little cult, and now they are reaping the payoff.

But the "mother" of this entire network is to be found in the Tavistock Institute in London, in the SOE, the most secretive branch of British intelligence, and in the British monarchy's official "chivalric order." the Most Venerable Military and Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem (Knights of Malta). These oligarchists, sharing their devotion to the centuries­ old cult of Isis. and of its magical, feudalist outlook, have duplicated themselves in microcosm in the zombies of Rev. Jones and other brainwashed kook groups.

As if to flaunt the fact, one of the prime press outlets of the London oligarchs has virtually declared that the Jonestown massacre signals the beginning of a new cult of Isis era. In its Nov. 25 issue, the Rothschild­ owned London Economist ran an atrocity photo cover from Jonestown with the headline. "Is Satan dead?" and, inside, hailed the horrible events in Guyana as a manifestation, albeit "extreme and therefore distorted," of a new kind of religiosity sweeping the world (see box, page 10). "There are perhaps worse (events) to come," the Economist predicted, and concluded that by the 21st century it would all lead to "coherent new bodies of spiritual belief."

Even more horrifying was the comment of one of Jerry Brown's advisors immediately after San Francisco mayor George Moscone and city supervisor Harvey Milk, both supporters of Jones, were mur­dered by a former city official. "Dionysus is loose in California," he said. "That is good news. The bad news is that it is so strange to people that they are afraid."

The immediate effects

The most visible impact of the Jonestown massacre thus far has been to set the Carter Administration up for a scandal paling Watergate by far.

Having in hand the Guyanese government's public evidence that every prominent member of the British­-allied Zionist lobby in government - with the signifi­cant omission of Ted Kennedy and Jacob Javits - endorsed or supported Jones's operation in Guyana, the executive branch has declared that it will not in­vestigate. If, as has been threatened, cultists launch a retaliation, Carter could be forced to resign im­mediately.

In one way, the stonewalling is not surprising. Some in the Administration - Califano and Mondale, for example - are up to their necks in the "right-to-die" movement that made the Jones cult possible, and in the vote fraud machine of George Moscone and Jerry Brown of which Jones was a part.

But the real sponsor of this "movement" is the man who stands to reap the most immediate political
benefit from Carter's downfall - Senator Kennedy. The man who publicly professes to be Carter's biggest supporter is intending both to pick up the pieces of the Carter Administration and to hasten the collapse of the U.S. into the sort of austerity regime typified by the hospice ethic of hustling the sick and the aged into low-cost coffins with the aid of heroin, L SD, and other drugs.

Kissinger and Brzezinski's role

The role of Henry Kissinger in the Jonestown atrocity began with his preparation for Jones's migration to Guyana during his tenure as Secretary of State. At the time the Kissinger crowd facilitated the colonization, they knew that this was to become a drug-growing and drug-distributing operation into the U.S., in collabora­tion with the standing London strategy of "opium war" against America. Moreover, getting Jones's cult into the Guyana border region was an integral element of the more general British scenario for pre­paring the overthrow of Guyanese leader Forbes Burnham.

The Kissinger influence continues through current National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was himself personally responsible for quashing ade­quate security measures or intelligence on the danger to Congressman Ryan or others going to Jonestown to "rescue" inhabitants.

Now the Federal Communications Commission has admitted to having in its possession one full year's worth of tapes monitoring coded radio transmissions from the Peoples Temple to the U.S. But the agency responsible for decoding such monitorings, and for supervising the FCC, is the National Security Agency - run by Zbigniew Brzezinski!

The investigative method

The evidence presented in this report is best under­stood as a set of four nested overlays. Each provides a detailed map of one feature of the overall operation, and has frequent points of intersection with the other three.

The first overlay is the dossier of Jones and his Temple, that traces Jones's personal career from his recruitment into the British Fabian-founded Fellow­ship of Reconciliation, to his days as a leading "get out the vote (fraud)" pol in the 1976 elections, to his drug­-running operation in Guyana.

The second is the network of private and official agencies that participated in the CIA's MK-Ultra, the LSD pilot project that got the counterculture started and where many of Jones's controllers were first trained in the science of cult creation.

Third is the hospice movement, the "right to die"­-goes-respectable crowd, that brings together Ken­nedy, the Order of St. John, and the cult philosophy of "embracing death."

Last is an examination of the California case, where this entire tissue of conspiracy is effectively in place as the government of the state - with the sort of results now making lurid headlines around the world.

December 5-11. 1978, Executive Intelligence Review, page 9, Cultists in the U.S. government,

The New York Times and other leading U.S. press have hastily moved to attach blame for the mur­ders in Jonestown to the Guyanese government, the Soviet Union, and finally, the "atmosphere" of the city of San Francisco, quietly dropping from its pages any reference to the leading American of­ficials who underwrote Jim Jones's operations

But last week Guyanese President Forbes Burn­ham released a list of U.S. dignitaries, mostly from the Kennedy wing of the Democratic Party, whose praise-filled commendations had prompted Guyana's acceptance of the settlement at Jones­town. The list of Jones's supporters reached from big-city mayors up to the White House offices of Vice-President Walter Mondale, all of them persons so closely linked to the Maltese Order's networks and the British-based cult of Isis that they belie any claim of being "fooled" by Rev. Jones. Here, some of the highlights:

Vice-President Walter Mondale:
"Knowing of your congregation's deep involve­ment in the major social and constitutional issues of our country is a great inspiration to me."
HEW Secretary Joseph Califano:
" ... Knowing your commitment and com­passion, your humanitarian principles and your interest in protecting individual liberty and freedom have made an outstanding contribution to furthering the cause of human dignity.
Senator Henry Jackson:
"I also welcome hearing of the fine work of your church and the many projects which your congregation has undertaken."

November 25, 1979, page 10, 'Is Satan dead?', From the London Economist of Nov. 25,

The mass suicide of several hundred members of an obscure American religious-cum-political sect in a remote corner of Guyana is not just another ex­ample of the American tendency to violence, and not just another warning of the madness that lies at the fringes of the cult world ....

It is also an extreme and therefore distorted manifestation of a much wider change that is happening to the world ....

The market place of religious innovation is one of the last and best examples of free enterprise in the world today. The cults and sects and communities which are looking for new ideas in this field are most numerous in the United States because America is, in this matter too, 20 years ahead of the rest of the world; but they are to be found in Europe, west and east ....

It is a period of experimentation; and, like all such periods, it is disorderly, hopeful and terrifying. Anything goes. Elements of Christianity mix in with elements of the old eastern religions and philosophies. Half-forgotten fragments of animism, and of the dark other side of the religious coin, are taken up and tried out. Some people at­tempt to break through the barriers of compre­hension with drugs; others prefer willpower and hard work; not surprisingly the first sort, like any­one relying on external aids, is more vulnerable to darker influences than the second, self-controlled, sort. It could take until well into the twenty-first century before all these experiments finally take shape as coherent new bodies of spiritual belief, with coherent new institutions to run them ...

When the wrong force is with you

If things go well. But in times of change and experi­ment, and especially spiritual change and experi­ment, many of the experimenters are flawed, troubled or damaged people; many of them do not understand the awful power of the forces they are dealing with; and the consequences they unleash can be horrifying. That is inevitable: no trans­formation starts with the end tidily and com­fortably in view at the beginning. It explains some of the appalling or dismaying or merely embarrass­ing things that have already happened, from the Manson murders to the Guyana mass-suicide by way of the intellectual dishonesty of some of the "instant transcendental meditation" cults. There are perhaps worse to come. The important thing to grasp is that these horrors are only the most spectacularly visible - because most extreme - signs of a much bigger and deeper movement ....

December 5-11. 1978, Executive Intelligence Review, page 11, Who created the Jones cult -- and why, by Scott Thompson,

On Nov. 18, 1978, a fact-finding mission led by Congressman Leo Ryan (D-Cal.) investigating charges of drug trafficking and involuntary imprison­ment of American citizens by the Peoples Temple of Rev. Jim Jones in Jonestown. Guyana, was gunned down by Peoples Temple members as they attempted to board their airplane at the Port Kaituma airport. Five people. including Rep. Ryan, were killed and a dozen other members of the party injured.

Moments after the ambush, Rev. Jim Jones assembled 800-900 of his zombie followers in the center of the Temple commune and ordered them to commit human sacrifice by swallowing a lethal dose of cyanide mixed with a number of drugs and Kool Aid. The potion administered by Jones and his medical assistant Dr. Schacht was described fully in the New York Daily News of Nov. 22, and is very similar to the "Brompton Mix" used by the Order of St. John of Jerusalem's St. Christopher's Hospice in London.

Parroting the Order of St. John's hospice propaganda, Jones urged his psychotic followers on by extolling the virtues of "dying with dignity." According to a survivor of the death ritual in Jonestown, many of the cultists accepted the potion only at gunpoint and those who refused the spiked Kool Aid were forcibly injected with the poison.

Drug connection confirmed

On Nov. 20, an aide to Rep. Ryan who survived the weekend ordeal delivered a statement to the press in San Francisco which has been blacked out of the national media. He confirmed that the Ryan fact-find­ing group had uncovered "drug-related matters" involving Jones and the Peoples Temple. The following day, two reporters returning from the Jonestown scene reported that massive quantities of a wide variety of drugs were uncovered amidst the human rubble -- far more drugs than needed to satisfy the medical needs of all of Guyana for up to a year!

Also uncovered at the Peoples Temple scene was a half-million dollars in cash, large quantities of gold and precious jewels estimated at $3 million, and a trunk containing over 800 U.S. passports. Subsequent reports published in the New York Post indicate that an additional $3 million of U.S. currency may have disappeared at the time of the mass suicides.

Within the Peoples Temple complex, Jones maintained a remarkably sophisticated and high­-powered "ham" radio system capable of transmitting to California and the Mid-Atlantic states. Not only were American intelligence agencies aware of this illegal radio system. it had been monitored by the Federal Communications Commission for several years as part of an official investigation. The Peoples Temple also maintained at least three large trawler­ yachts, registered in the port of Mobile, Ala. (1) The trawlers operated in the Caribbean waters between Guyana and the United States and were known by U.S. and Guyanese authorities to bypass normal customs channels, often by anchoring in international waters just outside the 12-mile coastal limit. These trawlers were confirmed to have smuggled illegal weapons into Jonestown.

What was Jones running? According to federal records and on-the-scene observation, Jones was running drugs, illegal automatic and semi-automatic weapons, and other contraband on a sufficiently large scale to warrant his operation of a private fleet of pirate ships and a sophisticated pirate radio network. These facts could not have gone unnoticed by a number of U.S. federal security branches including the National Security Agency and the Office of Naval Intelligence, which are responsible for monitoring these areas. The counterespionage branch ("Division Five") of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Air Force intelligence must also have known about Jones's guns-for-drugs program via a different but related channel of information to be discussed below.

This brush-stroke picture of Rev. Jones's Guyanese colony is filled out by briefly considering the published and unpublished reports on the nature of the northwest region of the South American British Commonwealth state of Guyana. The jungle area of northwest Guyana where the Peoples Temple and several other U.S. based cult-plantations are located was a horribly desolate and virtually uninhabited region until the World Bank interceded in the mid-1970s to demand that the Guyanese government initiate large-scale marijuana cultivation in the area as a condition for rolling over Guyana's debt. The area was an ideal location for the resettlement of hordes of mind­ destroyed U.S. ghetto victims organized into slave gangs through the use of sophisticated behavior mod­ification techniques and drugs administered under the pretext of Christian-based pseudo-religious cults.

Adjacent to Jonestown is another 6,000-person settlement founded by "the East" - a Brooklyn, N.Y.­based black nationalist cult known principally for its drug-running and gun-running activities in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn and in Hart­ford, Conn. "The East," along with its affiliated Newark, N.J. "Kawaida Temple" headed by Leroi Jones (aka Imamu Baraka), was founded on the basis of a synthetic religious belief structure identical to the "seven-headed cobra" of the Symbionese Liberation Army, which was run through the same San Francisco channels that fostered Jim Jones's Peoples Temple. These synthetic belief structures (ie., brainwashing systems) were specifically developed by University of Chicago "social engineer" Saul Alinsky. (2) The en­tire nest of ghetto zombies in the Guyanese marijuana fields were preprogrammed as surely as if they were minicomputers!

On the trail of Jones's controllers

It should be clear to the average reader and strikingly evident to the trained investigator that such goings-on require the oversight of a layer of trained intelligence personnel with specialized skills in coercive psychology. While a full evaluation of who constituted the "controller" strata at Jonestown is not yet complete, certain obvious cases can be identified that represent the crucial starting point for any serious investigation.

The two most important cases are lawyers Mark Lane and Charles Garry. Lane is particularly crucial as he has a background as an Anglo-American intelligence operative entrusted with classified assignments since World War II. Both Lane and Garry were in Jonestown throughout the period of the Ryan investigation. The two declined to leave with the fact­-finding team and have admitted foreknowledge that the team would be attacked and that the mass-suicide was pending. Lane and Garry's foreknowledge of a direct threat to Ryan's life in fact predated the fact­-finding team's departure from the USA. Lane and Garry remained in the Jonestown area until the rescue teams arrived and were segregated from those cultists coerced into the death ritual.

Lane was an Air Force Intelligence officer during World War II at a time when Air Force Intelligence was virtually run from the top by the British Air Force's Special Air Services (SAS) -- the same SAS that has been the principal British counterinsurgency force deployed both within and against the Irish Republican Army Provos in Northern Ireland. Lane's tenure with Air Force Intelligence coincided with that branch's official involvement in Operation Artichoke­ Bluebird, the predecessor LSD experimental projects of MK-Ultra. During the 1950s, Lane was an FBI "Division Five" counterespionage agent operating within the Communist Party USA on the East Coast. "Division Five" was the creation of British SOE head Sir William Stephenson and was run by a Canadian national and Stephenson protege Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield.

From the 1960s, while still the "Division Five" agent-handler, Bloomfield ran the Montreal-based Permindex Corp., a private assassination and drug­-running bureau positively implicated in the assassinations of President John Kennedy and a number of European political leaders. Evidence that Lane maintained his Air Force Intelligence-"Division Five" credentials well into the 1960s is highlighted by the fact that he worked under British intelligence's Lord Bertrand Russell from November 1963 on a project called the "British Who Killed Kennedy Committee," the first level of coverup of Permindex's role in the Kennedy assassination.

San Francisco-based "radical lawyer" Charles Garry was part of a team run out of the Criminology School of the University of California at Berkeley which maintained control over a variety of black radical groupings in the Bay Area, including most notably the Black Panther Party. As a member of the proterrorist National Lawyers Guild (NLG), Garry's activities prior to the Jonestown massacre bordered on criminal complicity in terrorist activities in much the same way that the activities of the Socialist Lawyers Collective in the Federal Republic of Germany eventually became indistinguishable from the activities of the Baader-Meinhof terrorists they were "defending."

During the year leading up to the Nov. 18 events, Garry was the channel of support for Jones from such Institute for Policy Studies-affiliated "radicals" as Angela Davis and Huey Newton. It is unconfirmed, but highly likely, that Garry was a recruiter for the Peoples Temple, drawing in former Black Panther Party members and Bay Area drug addicts and criminals he had "defended" through the NLG and related channels.

This "witting" classification of Garry is further substantiated by his long-standing close association with the NLG's East Coast counterpart "old boys" Leonard Boudin and Victor Rabinowitz of Rabinowitz, Boudin and Standard. Boudin et al. were responsible for a mid-1960s study of Caribbean and South American countries that would be prime targets for drug cultivation and chemical production, including marijuana, hashish and LSD. Through the Boudin­-Rabinowitz effort, an earlier cult, Timothy Leary's Brotherhood of Eternal Love, established LSD and hashish production-distribution centers in the Bahamas, Costa Rica, etc.

As reported in the New York Times of Nov. 20, Jones's entry into Guyana was paved by numerous leading figures in the Democratic Party, including Vice President Walter Mondale, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Joseph Califano, California Governor Jerry Brown, Sen. Henry Jackson (D­-Wash.), and San Francisco Mayor George Moscone. All of these individuals issued letters of glowing praise for Jones's "charitable acts" and services to the Democratic Party. Since the mass suicides of Jones and 900 followers in the Guyanese jungles, these political figures have naturally attempted to distance themselves from the Jones death cult, either by dis­claiming the fact of the letters' existence (as in the case of Sen. Jackson) or by portraying Jones as a man who became deranged in the last months of his life.

As we delve into the early background of Rev. Jones and trace his path from Indianapolis to California and on to the jungles of Guyana, it will become clear that Rev. Jones's preaching the "dignity of death" to a mob of suicide victims in Guyana last week was no different than the crazed Jones known to his Indianapolis neighbors in the early 1950s, when he set up his first Temple at the age of 18 with the revenues from selling imported monkeys!

Sources in Indianapolis report that a far-reaching coverup is underway to conceal the identity of the Indiana-based networks responsible for the recruitment, brainwashing, and initial deployment of Rev. Jim Jones, of convicted mass murderer and Satan worshipper Charles Manson, and Symbionese Liberation Army "soldiers" William and Emily Harris - all former residents of that state.

An investigation of the intersection points of these four cult killers would lead through the British Fabian Society-initiated "liberal dissenters church" establishment of Indianapolis and associated pacifist and New Left groups, through a network of "free enterprise" institutions spun off the British Mont Pelerin Society and gutter-level chapters of the John Birch Society, Klan and neo-Nazi gangs, through the linguistics and related artificial-intelligence projects launched at the University of Indiana in Bloomington by the 1940s, into the executive offices of the Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical and Chemical Corporation and its associated Eli Lilly Endowment.

This is the network that picked up James Warren Jones, the son of an Indiana leader of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, by no later than 1955 and shaped him into the psychopathic cultist who died in Guyana on Nov. 18. Born in the depressed industrial town of Lynn, Indiana, in 1931, Jones grew up in nearby Richmond, where he met his wife, Marceline Boswell, then a nurse trainee in a local hospital. He briefly attended the Bloomington campus of the University of Indiana in 1949 before gravitating to Indianapolis and the fringe religious sects in that city. After a short appointment as "pastor" for a downtown Indianapolis Methodist church, whose congregation asked him to leave because of his "radical" views, Jones became associated with the Pentecostals, who believe that leaders demonstrate "charisma" by "speaking in tongues," i.e., by entering a trance state and babbling incoherently. An extremist wing of the Pentecostals engages in snake-handling, and has been the subject of intensive profiling by members of the Tavistock Clinic in London and the source of numerous cult leaders, including the Rev. Kirby Hensley, founder of the multi-million-member Universal Life Church that was endorsed as a potentially valuable "Nativist Endeavor" in a recent issue of William F. Buckley's National Review.

The Zionist lobby countergang'

Jones's activities soon brought him to the attention of Rabbi Maurice Davis, an executive committee member of the British- and Israeli-intelligence-linked Zionist Organization of America. Davis set up Jones in his first Peoples Temple in 1955, when he sold his own synagogue to Jones for $50,000 which was to be paid back over time, apparently on the basis of Jones's primary source of revenue at the time: the street­-corner sale of imported monkeys at $29 each.

To this day, Davis retains his 1950s function as a controller of religious cults. Presently based out of Westchester County, N .Y., Davis heads an organization called "Citizens Engaged in Reuniting Families" (CERF ), which has situated itself to coordinate all parental opposition to such brainwashing cults as the Unification Church and the Hare Krishna. In fact, Rabbi Davis's anti-cult organizing is crucial to the maintenance of the cults themselves, and to the development of hard-core terrorist options off of the cult memberships. CERF has publicly endorsed and contracted the "deprogramming" services of Ted Patrick, who kidnaps members of the "Moonies" and other cults and subjects them to sensory deprivation, drugs, and physical torture -- counterbrainwashing.

The role of such "anticultists" is a crucial aspect of British intelligence's ability to maintain control over the cults themselves. The model for this sort of operation is most clearly presented in Brig. Gen. Frank Kitson's book, Gang-Countergang Warfare, where Kitson describes the methods he employed to crush the Mau Mau in Kenya. After capturing Mau Mau tribesmen whom he paraded as "defectors," Kitson organized synthetic Mau Mau gangs, putting his own men in black face, who carried out murderous raids upon villages sympathetic to the original Mau Mau aims. The net effect was to undermine the Mau Mau's base of operations, driving them into a narrow region where they could be mopped up. While in prison, Mau Mau tribesmen were subjected to intense behavior modification by teams from the Moral Rearmament Movement, that was spawned by the British "High Priesthood" of the Oxford Movement, whose agents later formed the Moonies. (For more on the Mau Mau model, see TERRORISM.)

Rabbi Maurice "Mau Mau" Davis performs a similar role vis-a-vis the cults today. The Moonie leaders literally portray Davis as the "Devil," raising the threat of "deprogramming" by Patrick and others to intimidate those members who want to return to reality. Through his CERF parents organization, Davis has positioned himself to control independent countermeasures against the cults and to monitor and subtly misdirect all research into the cults'·origins, in much the same way that Mark Lane has done to investigations of President John F. Kennedy's assassination.

At the time that he picked up Jones, Rabbi Davis was: (1) "rabbi" of the Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation; (2) editorial columnist for the National Jewish Post and Opinion; (3) member of the Executive Committee of the Federal Council of American Rabbis and chairman of its Commission on Family and Home; and (4) member of the Executive Committee of the Zionist Organization of America. The ZOA, founded in 1898 as a branch of the World Zionist Organization by British agent Herzl. David Wolfson of MI-5 and others, is today associated with the right wing of the Zionist movement, specifically the ruling Likud Party of Israel, the Gush Emunim, and so on. It was in his capacity as chairman of the Indianapolis Housing Commission that Davis would aid Jones's career, including helping to get him select­ed as director of the Mayor's Human Rights Com­mission.

The fact of Rabbi Davis's early patronage of Jim Jones is significant from the further standpoint that it establishes an unbroken continuity of controllers actually directing the activities of Jones and his "disciples." Further investigation into the role of Davis should necessarily consider two additional features of his career that establish him as a cult controller. First is the fact that Davis spent several years in Lexington, Ky., just prior to his move to Indianapolis and his association with Jones. Lexington is the home of the largest federal experimental hospital dealing in drug abuse and behavior modification, and also an early experimental center for methadone maintenance, for which the drug was supplied by Eli Lilly Corp. Lexington Hospital proper was not only the center of LSD experimentation during Davis's stay in the area, but one of the doctors then at Lexington, Dr. Joel Fort, was subsequently a key controller of Jones's Temple when the group was relocated to San Francisco in the 1970s. Second, Rabbi Davis presently maintains direct contact with terrorist circles associated with the Institute for Policy Studies headquartered in Washington, D.C., through his membership in the Westchester chapter of the United Farm Workers, headed by Saul Alinsky protege, Cesar Chavez. Affiliated with this branch of the UFW is the Eastern Farm Workers Association, founded by Gino Parrenti, a known member of a nationwide gun- and drug-running underground.

Why Jimmy Jones?

After his initial "vetting" through the local Zionist Lobby, Jimmy Jones was put in touch with his key patron-controller during this early period in Indiana, Barton Hunter, who was at the time executive secretary of the Church in Society of the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, and is currently executive director of the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR). FOR was founded in 1915 on the explicit model of the year-old British Fellowship and in collaboration with Jane Addams who brought the British Settlement House movement from Oxford University to the U.S. and founded the pacifist networks affiliated with the American Friends Service Committee at this time. Among "radical" institutions that members of FOR were responsible for founding were: the National Civil Liberties Bureau (now the ACLU), the National Conference of Christians and Jews, the Committee on Racial Equality (CORE), the American Committee on Africa. FOR founder and ordained Presbyterian minister A.J. Muste also created Brookwood Labor College, both as a workingman's version of the "Rhodes Scholarship" and to funnel such Baliol College, Oxford trained British intelligence agents as James Burnham (currently, a "free enterprise conservative" with National Review) into the Com intern. In addition to Barton Hunter, several members of the Butler School of Religion, where Jimmy Jones was trained, play prominent roles in FOR. (3)

Indianapolis is the "Vatican" of the approximately million-member Disciples of Christ, a schism from the Presbyterian Church ostensibly organized to provide a more "democratic" forum, in reaction to the Calvinistic conception of "predestination." As one local theological authority put it: "In Indianapolis, the 'Establishment' is the Disciples of Christ." Its leadership ranges from a "conservative wing," centered on executives of the Eli Lilly Corp. and Endowment, to an "ultra-liberal wing" centered on such figures as Barton Hunter. But the shared worldview of both wings of the Disciples of Christ is classical British liberalism, whether it takes the form of the "free enterprise" ideology sponsored by the Lilly Endowment via the Heritage Foundation and other subsidiaries of Britain's Mont Pelerin Society, or that of the "welfare state" epitomized by AFSC programs.

The Lilly Endowment. which is a heavy financial source of the Disciples of Christ, was founded in 1937 by the Lilly Family, whose principal source of wealth is the Lilly Chemical and Pharmaceutical Corp. The corporation is now the sole U.S. source of methadone, an addictive drug first developed to control concentration camp victims in Nazi Germany ("dolphine") and now as a surrogate for British-style "heroin maintenance" programs. Despite its conservative image, Lilly finances both "left" and "right" sides of the British intelligence operations, including both the American Enterprise Institute, Heritage Foundation, and Freedom House, and the Maoist National Committee on United States-China Relations. Inc., Counterspy's Youth Project front. etc. (4)

In a recent interview. Barton Hunter described why he had selected Jim Jones for special grooming. "He's a real bright guy as you probably can guess," said Hunter. "An attractive person; both he and his wife were, Very sensitive. Very aggressive ... even at this point his obvious takeover qualities were there (emphasis added - ed.). He was the pastor in the Church, and it was 'his Church.' There was no resistance to this on the part of the people who came ... people who were hungry, people who were lonely, people who are unseen and don't know where they're going. You know, and here was a guy who said, 'This is the way'."

In short, Jimmy Jones displayed the persona of the charismatic leader whose qualities were the subject of so many studies by foundations like the Lilly Endowment at the time.

Under Barton Hunter's patronage, Jim Jones was sent to the Butler University School of Religion -- the theological seminary of the Disciples of Christ funded by Lilly, two of whose board members, Burton E. Beck and Eugene N. Beesly, are also trustees of the College. It was also with the backing of Hunter and Rabbi Davis that Jones was selected in 1961 to serve for a few brief months as director of the Mayor's Commission on Human Rights. Some sources indicate that Jones was removed because he was too aggressive in pursuing racial integration; however, others have suggested that a scandal was on the verge of erupting over the various low-income housing projects that Jones and Rabbi Davis were involved with, including the transfer of Church members' homes to Jones's personal ownership.

Immediately after his "resignation," Jones took off on a two-year trek (1961-63) to Hawaii, the Belo Horizone Valley in Brazil, and then back to Indianapolis, after a brief stopover in Guyana, the future base of his "Peoples Temple." Jones's stay in Brazil, where he ostensibly founded an orphanage which collapsed as soon as he left, immediately preceded a military coup d'etat there in which various U.S. and British intelligence agencies have been implicated. It also coincided with the deployment of members of Aldous Huxley's MK-Ultra team to Brazil and other Latin American countries to study, among other things, the use of hallucinogenic drugs by the Aztecs as part of their human sacrifice rituals. On his return, Jones was ordained as a minister of the Disciples of Christ and his Peoples Temple was accepted as an affiliated church. It was also on his return that Jones first began to claim that he was a "faith healer."

The Redwood Valley years

Jones's alleged fear of thermonuclear holocaust, which led him on this first trip and which ultimately led him to move 100 of his followers to Ukiah, California in 1965, was instilled by Barton Hunter and the pacifist organizations with which he was affiliated, notably the FOR. In 1961, the FOR launched a program to build "real shelters for homeless people." Ukiah, a secluded town in the Redwood Valley that had been the scene of earlier Huxley experiments in cultism and had been identified in a 1961 Esquire magazine article as one of the nine safest places in the world in the event of thermonuclear attack, provided the shelter site. Along with Jones's Peoples Temple, the tiny town of Ukiah was also the gathering point for members of the "Diggers," a San Francisco­-Berkeley-based beggar cult that was a direct outgrowth of the MK-Ultra clinics, and for the West Coast branch of the War Resistors League, a British Fabian Society creation closely affiliated with both Bertrand Russell and with Jones's "mother" institution, the FOR. It was from the Diggers communes of ravaged LSD victims and like-minded circles of the War Resistors League that many of the early California recruits into the Peoples Temple were drawn and molded into a cohesive cult of zombies in the secluded "shelter" ("controlled environment") of the Redwood Valley.

During the early months in Ukiah, Hunter made regular trips from Indianapolis to maintain close watch on the developing Peoples Temple operation. A new controller, however, had already been deployed into the group who would supplant Hunter's day-to­-day controller role, until Jones's deployment into Guyana. This was Tim Stoen, reported to be an "ex­-CIA agent," and the Assistant Attorney for Mendicino County during the Jones cult's tenure there. Through the Stoen connection, Jones was appointed to the Mendicino County Juvenile Commission which pro­vided a cover for recruiting approximately 50 youth­ful drug-runners (ages 12-16) for Jones's soon-to­ be established narcotics network, under the guise of "rehabilitating" them from drug abuse. It was Tim Stoen's later "defection" to form the Concerned Parents group, modeled on Rabbi Davis's CERF, that reportedly triggered Jones's first threat of instant suicide by 300 of his followers.

It was at the time that Stoen joined the Temple that the first public reports began to circulate of the cult's widespread use of drugs, electroshock, sodomic rape, and other bizarre practices in the "recruitment and discipline" of members. However, when two investigative reporters, Marshall Kilduff and Lester Gonsalving, both with the San Francisco Inquirer, attempted to follow the leads provided by a respected local Ukiah Baptist Minister, Richard Taylor, they were summarily fired.

How the brainwashing works

The heavy introduction of drugs and perverted sexual practices to break down the individual cult member's sense of identity was a direct byproduct of Jones's integration into two subprojects of MK-Ultra, the Glide Memorial church and Project One, which were based in San Francisco where Jones and his "advisor," Stoen, traveled to recruit new cult members. Though already a practicing bisexual, Jones was bent further in that direction by a project sponsored by the Kinsey Institute (whose main offices are at the University of Indiana's Bloomington campus that Jones attended earlier) and run out of Glide Memorial. Dr. Kinsey, who founded the Institute, was a close collaborator of Aldous Huxley. Under the nominal direction of Rev. Cecil Williams, described by sources as a "less charismatic" variant of Jones, Glide was a nexus point for the New Left and counterculture established by Huxley and Margaret Mead's former husband, Gregory Bateson -- joining elements of gay rights, women's liberation, and so on with support networks for such terrorist gangs as the Symbionese Liberation Army. Actual control over Cecil Williams was exercised by Ted McIlvenna, who controlled Kinsey Institute funding of projects both at Glide and the Peoples Temple. One of the projects at Glide that the Kinsey Institute sponsored, and that Jones is known to have participated in, was the National Sex and Drug Forum, whose report released two years ago concluded that everyone was a homosexual! Another Glide-based program was the Council on Religion and Homosexuality. Although never himself known to have been associated with Kinsey Institute projects at Glide personally, the "gay" networks created at Glide are known to have supported the electoral campaign of Harvey Milk, who was recently murdered in the aftermath of the Peoples Temple mass suicides (5)

Little is as yet known of early drug use -- an essential aspect of the brainwashing control of most cults -- by members of the Peoples Temple, although Jones's association with various projects financed by the Eli Lilly Endowment, a fortune built by one of the country's largest drug manufacturers, is certainly suggestive. The first documented evidence of the cult's involvement with drugs is found via Jones's association with Project One, a heavily funded behavior modification factory run by Dr. Joel Fort and former Air Force Intelligence operative Captain H. Bruce Franklin in the heart of San Francisco's hippie Fillmore District. Fort was a leading member of Huxley's MK-Ultra team to produce the rock-drug counterculture. Drawing on his early experiments at Lexington Hospital, Fort coauthored Utopiates, a book on LSD-25 that was published by the Tavistock Clinic in London, where much of the early planning for MK­Ultra took place. Project One was funded in part by the Transamerica Corp., which owns United Artist Studios and includes as its corporate vice-president William Jones, a member of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem.

Inside Project One, a large converted warehouse, Fort ran a drug clinic (methadone supplied by Eli Lilly), a paramilitary training center, a behavior modification clinic, a computer that maintained psychological profiles of local politicians, counterculture freaks, potential terrorists, etc .. and an "Opportunity High School." An estimated 75 percent of the students at the high school, where Jones taught, were recruited into his Peoples Temple; an equal percentage of those recruited traveled with Jones to Guyana in 1977.

Glide Memorial and Project One were each "chosen" by the SLA to carry out its "free food" distribution program. Their connection with the SLA went much deeper. Capt. H. Bruce Franklin, who worked with Fort at Project One, was also a close associate of Rand Corporation research director Daniel Ellsberg and MIT linguistics brainwasher Noam Chomsky, who is now openly allied with the Black Rose anarchist-terrorist networks in Canada. Franklin was a founder of such Bay Area terrorist groups as the SLA, the Venceremos Brigade, and the Maoist Revolutionary Union (now the Revolutionary Communist Party). As a controlling figure in the Haight-Ashbury Glide Memorial Church, which served as a deployment point for the entire array of drug cults in the area, Franklin was instrumental in building up Jones as a frequent "guest speaker" and leading figure in the ghetto and LSD culture.

In 1971 the entirety of the Peoples Temple followers were moved from Ukiah to San Francisco, in a par­allel to the current, more violent replay of the Isis myth of cult members moving from the countryside to destroy the cities. Appropriately, the site purchased for the new Temple was formerly known as the Albert Pike Memorial Temple in commemoration of General Albert Pike, a founder of the Ku Klux Klan, together with Judah Benjamin and Dr. Kuttner Baruch (the latter two also cofounders of the B'nai B'rith) and a key agent under Lord Palmerston in the explicitly satanic Scottish Rite of Freemasonry with Mazzini (the founder of the Mafia) and such leaders of the 1848 "revolutions" in Europe as Louis Blanc, Garibaldi, and Kossuth. Through this act, the story of Jones's life came full circle; it was the Northwest branch of this conspiracy that created the KKK in Indiana, a center for both the immediate predecessor of the Klan, the Knights of the Golden Circle, and of the Klan's 1920s revival by two agents of the Red Cross-Knights of Malta -- of which Jones's father was a member. (6)

It was Jones's position at the center of San Francisco's growing pool of drug and ghetto zombies manufactured by MK-Ultra that attracted local mayoral candidate George Moscone, California Governor Jerry Brown, and Vice-Presidential candidate Walter Mondale to Rev. Jones. He was billed as a man who could deliver 2,000 bodies on a moment's notice to any political rally, and mobilize the over 20,000 people by then affiliated with the Temple to vote for any candidate of his choosing. Following Walter Mondale's infamous advice to "vote early and vote often," Jones's goon squads were made available to the Democratic Party for its 1976 "Operation Big Vote Fraud" that was credited, among other things, with swinging the election for Moscone. When pressure mounted for a full investi­gation, Peoples Temple attorney Tim Stoen was brought in to cover up the crime from his new position as assistant district attorney for the county. Jones per­sonally was awarded a seat on the San Francisco Housing Authority.

It was also shortly after the Temple's move into San Francisco that Jones began to contact the Guyanese government to explore opening a settlement there. Armed with letters of introduction from Mondale, Brown, Moscone, and other Democratic Party officials, Jones's Peoples Temple was considered an ideal candidate under a new "black" immigration program established by the Guyanese government called Operation MIREV. After 20 Temple members visited the country in 1973, arrangements were made for the lease of 27,000 acres for the founding of "Jonestown" near Guyana's border with Venezuela.

In 1977 the first major steps were taken to trigger Jones's paranoid schizophrenic personality when Tim Stoen dropped out to form the Concerned Parents group, taking Jones to court for control of a child whose paternity was in question. According to Charles Garry, a former attorney for Angela Davis, the CPUSA leader closely associated with H. Bruce Franklin and Huxley associate Herbert Marcuse, Jones threatened to have 300 cult members commit suicide on the spot if Stoen pursued his law suit. Also in 1977, British publisher Rupert Murdoch printed a major piece on the Peoples Temple in his New West magazine, designed to further trigger Jones's paranoia. It was this piece which also launched fatal investigation into conditions in Jonestown.

- Scott Thompson


(1) The existence of the three trawlers off the coast of Jonestown has been reported by AP, UPI, New York Times, New York Post, and other press throughout their coverage of the mass suicides by members of the Peoples Temple.
(2) Extensive coverage of the Alinsky Institute and Saul Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation can be found in New Solidarity from spring 1973 to fall 1974. Among other connections between Alinsky and The East is the fact that a protege of Alinsky, Ron Karenga, developed the seven­-headed cobra symbol which was adopted by the Sym­bionese Liberation Army, and by Imamu Baraka while at the Institute. The Cobra symbol is a direct reference to the Egyptian cult of Isis. Les Campbell (aka Jitu Weusi), the head of The East, also picked up this symbology while working with Baraka.
(3) "The Fellowship's Statement of Purpose," Fellowship, September 1965. "History of the Fellowship" (pamphlet). "Walk to Begin January 31", WRL News, Number 191, Nov.-Dec., 1975. Interview with Barton Hunter, executive director of the Fellowship of Reconciliation.
(4) Lilly Endowment funding of the Disciples of Christ Church, the Butler School of Religion, and both "left" and "right" groups is documented in: The Foundation Center, The Foundation Grants Index, Columbia University Press, 1976, 1977, 1978.
(5) Information on the role of the Kinsey Institute was ob­tained from direct interviews with Ted McIlvenna, who oversaw project funding to Glide Memorial Church and the Peoples Temple, and with three former associates of the Kinsey Institute's Sex and Drug Forum at Glide Memorial.
(6) Goldstein, Paul, "How Zionists orchestrate KKK terror," Executive Intelligence Review, Oct. 10-16, 1978, Vol. V, No. 39.

December 5-11. 1978, Executive Intelligence Review, page 18, Cultism's roots in Mk-Ultra, by Michelle Steinberg,

The immediate source for the Port Kaituma mass murder-suicide can be partially traced to a recent closed-door meeting of the Aspen Institute for Human­istic Studies in West Berlin, at which Rand Corpora­tion terrorist controller Brian Jenkins gave a five­-hour presentation on coming terrorist scenarios. The Jenkins scenario, which emphasized the time-bomb quality of cults as sources of terrorism, was given just prior to the bloodbath carried out by Rev. Jimmy Jones's Peoples Temple in Guyana.

The Rand connection, along with the appearance of Dr. Joel Fort, lawyer Mark Lane, and the Glide Memorial Church of Berkeley, California in the dossier on Rev. Jimmy Jones confirms, in shorthand, that Jones's death cult is the offspring of British intelligence's 50-year campaign in the United States to create cult formations among the general population through the use of drugs and Dionysian rituals.

In official channels, the British Secret Intelligence Services' experiment was run under former CIA Director Allen Dulles, and conducted through the Central Intelligence Agency, under the codename MK-Ultra. The project, first named Operation Bluebird in 1949, then Operation Artichoke, and renamed MK-Ultra in 1953 under direct orders from Dulles, studied the application of LSD, psilocybin (hallucinogenic mushrooms), peyote, and other hallucinogens in mind-control and brainwashing techniques. The early phases involved the administration of hallucinogens to volunteers in university, hospital, and mental institution settings. By 1963, it was openly stated in a CIA document that "the final phase of testing MK­Ultra materials involves their application to unwitting subjects in normal life settings," a phase which began on the U.S. West Coast in 1955, and which by the late 1960s had created thousands of counterculture followers of the cult of LSD and other hallucinogens, aided by the importation and mass marketing of British ritualistic rock music.

Although MK-Ultra was a CIA black operation nominally under the control of Dulles, it was in reality a British intelligence operation run into the United States under the cover of the CIA and the Rand Corporation. Furthermore. the presence of the Office of Naval Intelligence and Air Force Intelligence in the original-Operation Artichoke and MK-Ultra task force, and the subsequent importance of trained operatives of ONI and Air Force Intelligence in the creation of U.S.-based terrorist cults, points to heavy contamination of these agencies in particular by British SIS.

The British priesthood

The three British intelligence agents heading up MK­Ultra as research directors from 1952 on were Aldous Huxley, Albert Hoffman of the Warburg-owned San­doz drug firm (where Hoffman first synthesized LSD in 1943), and Humphrey Osmond, a close Huxley family friend and physician based at the University of London Hospital where he studied schizophrenia.

The key American researcher complicit with Huxley, Hoffman, and Osmond was Gregory Bateson, husband of the late Dame Margaret Mead of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Bateson headed a Veterans Hospital in Palo Alto, California where he aided in criminal experiments administering LSD to patients in the hospital. Bateson is currently a special advisor to California's Governor Jerry Brown -- the politician with whom Reverend Jimmy Jones maintained a close relationship for many years.

Huxley was not merely the ranking British intelli­gence officer in the MK-Ultra infiltration project, but he was literally a high priest of the drug cult that grew out of the California experiments. Aldous Huxley, along with his brother Julian, was tutored at Oxford University, England in the 1920s by futurist H.G. Wells, head of British foreign intelligence during World War I. Wells's writings and those of his proteges the Huxleys and George Orwell, such as The Time Machine, Brave New World, 1984 and Animal Farm, spelled out in fictional form the mind-control that MK­Ultra was later to implement.

In 1929, under the influence of occultist Aleister Crowley, Aldous Huxley was initiated into the Isis-Urania Temple of Hermetic Students of the Golden Dawn, a secret cult tracing back to the Scottish Rites of the Freemasons and run directly out of the British Colonial Office. At the same time, Crowley introduced Huxley to hallucinogenic drugs.

From 1937 to 1945. Huxley lived in California where he worked as a Hollywood scriptwriter along with Christopher Isherwood and other British operatives. Isherwood had been a British intelligence agent stationed in Weimar Berlin through the 1920s, special­izing in cultural subversion projects. During this period, Huxley and Isherwood organized cults around the Isis Temple of the Golden Dawn and the trans­lation of Eastern mystical documents. Preliminary investigations suggest that one of the centers of Isis cult activity founded by the Huxley team in 1937-1945 was Ukia, Cal. -- later the West Coast center of Jones' Peoples Temple.

Huxley's critical training occurred in Britain from 1945 to 1952 when, in tandem with the British Psycholo­gical Warfare Division (then centered at the London Tavistock Institute), he organized a study group at the London National Hospital with Osmond on inducing schizophrenic states through the taking of mescaline.

Subsequently, Osmond was hired by Allen Dulles to play a leading role in the MK-Ultra project. In 1953, in the U.S., Osmond gave Huxley a supply of mescaline for his personal consumption. The next year, as the result of his psychedelic experience, Huxley wrote The Doors of Perception, the first public manifesto of the drug cult, advocating "expanded consciousness through hallucinogens."

U .S. drug networks in place

By 1954, MK-Ultra was fully operational. Dr. Timothy Leary was already conducting LSD experi­ments at Harvard University. Hoffman had been brought to the United States for continued MK-Ultra work. And Huxley returned to California where he re­cruited his 1937-45 associates Bateson and Alan Watts, who later became a propagandist for study of Eastern religions. Osmond. meanwhile, was stationed at the New Jersey Neuro-Psychiatric Institute in Princeton. N.J., conducting experiments on the effects of LSD in schizophrenia. In 1960, as MK-Ultra entered its "final phases," Huxley was appointed Visiting Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston. There he created a circle paralleling his West Coast LSD team, including Leary and associate Richard Alpert, who later became "guru" Baba Ram Das. This circle created a following of thousands of LSD veterans who were then deployed to proselytize for drugs.

One direct result of the Huxley Harvard operation was the International Federation for Internal Freedom Psychedelic Training Center in Zihuatenejo, Mexico, set up and headed by Leary in 1963. Zi­huatenejo, an isolated Mexican resort town, was the site for a two-year project involving 500 people -- chosen, according to Leary, out of over 5,000 appli­cants. The objective of Zihuatenejo was to train psychologists and other professionals, religious leaders, teachers, etc. in the values of psychedelic drug use. The center administered LSD to residents several times a week, conducting group sessions based on the Boston work of Leary and Alpert, the writings of Huxley, and particularly Leary's translation of the Tibetan Book of the Dead. The Tibetan sacred book was to be read by participants before taking the LSD, then read aloud by another person as the subject sank into a schizophrenic state.

Indeed, the death experience attitude was a central consideration of the center's profiling. After an LSD experience, one group showed that: "Some now felt convinced that there is no death, that life is really con­tinuous despite physical change. Death to them now seems simply continuation toward the mystical goal of oneness with God. ... Associated with lessened anxiety, greater acceptance of death ... " (Richard Blum and associates, Utopiates. London: Tavistock Publications. 1965). The names of the participants in the Zihuatenejo project have never been made public although they in­cluded clinical psychologists, ministers, teachers, and businessmen. In 1963, during the second year of its operation. the center was closed by Mexican author­ities.

It is known that the Mexican project was one feature of the "private." i.e .. nongovernmental, side of MK­Ultra. The above-cited 1965 Tavistock Institute report also featured reports by Timothy Leary, Richard Alpert, and San Francisco's Dr. Joel Fort, who has already been identified as a principal figure in the creation of Jones's Peoples Temple.

Simultaneously, the Rand Corporation, home of present-day terrorist specialist Brian Jenkins, was conducting a "medically oriented" experiment in LSD. According to a 1962 Rand Abstract, W.H. McGlothlin conducted a preparatory study on the " Long-lasting Effects of LSD on Certain Attitudes in Normals: An Experimental Proposal." The following year, McGlothlin conducted a year-long experiment with 30 human guinea pigs, called "Short-Term Effects of LSD on Anxiety, Attitudes and Per­formance." The study incredibly concluded that LSD improved emotional attitudes and helped resolve anxiety!

Also in California, the guinea pigs at Bateson's Palo Alto Veterans Hospital were being groomed as future leaders of the drugged Isis cult. Foremost among Bateson's recruits was Ken Kesey who received his first LSD dose from Bateson in 1959. Other "subjects" included Jerry Garcia, later the founder of the Grate­ful Dead rock band. Another outstanding member of the Grateful Dead is the son of Wharton School pro­fessor Eric Trist, the leading Tavistock Institute operative in the United States and a principal controller of the MOVE black terrorist gang that recently staged a gun battle with Philadelphia police.

Much of the LSD used to build the Isis counter­culture cult in the Haight-Asbury section of San Francisco found its way into the streets from MK­Ultra channels. In 1963, when Leary left Harvard, the Leary LSD operations were funded principally by Billy Mellon Hitchcock. Hitchcock's contributions to Leary were paid out through a British West Indies con­duit known as the Fiduciary Trust -- a wholly con­trolled subsidiary of the Investors' Overseas Service, which is and was an Israeli dirty-money operation co­ordinated on the U.S. side through the New York holding company, the Dreyfuss Corporation. Hitch­cock, an heir to the Mellon banking family of Pitts­burgh, not only funded Leary's pet projects, but financed Leary's Brotherhood of Eternal Love as a major hashish marketing and LSD manufacturing operation which was based, like Jones's Peoples Temple, in California and the Caribbean.

In 1968, [sic. The "Summer of Love" was in 1967.] Leary, Ken Kesey, Alan Watts, and homo­sexual poet Allen Ginsberg from New York organized the so-called Summer of Love. This nationwide Dio­nysian celebration provided the context for a massive infusion of drugs into every part of the USA which left thousands of youth ravaged by their first experiences with addictive and hallucinogenic chemicals. To service the psychological disorders and human misery resulting from the drug epidemic, institutions such as the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic were created. Today, these clinics serve as centers for the movement to decriminalize "recreational" drugs, and as recruiting centers for cult outfits such as the Glide Memorial Church and Jones's People's Temple.

Dr. Joel Fort's Project One mental health clinic in San Francisco was part of the network of clinics set up to service the growing number of youth who quickly went from marijuana and an occasional hallucino­genic trip to hard-core heroin addiction and psychosis.

- Michelle Steinberg

December 5-11. 1978, Executive Intelligence Review, page 20, The media cultists,

Even in the atmosphere of untrammeled sensationalism that followed the Jones cult mass suicide, Rupert Murdoch's New York Post managed to sink lower than even the orgy-of­-death-peddling competition. "Deathcults on the warpath"; "Death in the jungle"; "Slain aide knew he'd be killed" ran each day's banner head­lines. For political impact, Murdoch, a protege of British press peer Lord Beaverbrook, went page one with a story of extremely dubious vintage headed "Jones cult planned to move to Russia," a story relegated by most of Murdoch's yellow-journal competitors to the back pages.

A Post editorial enjoined "Stop the evil." But the Post continues to act as evil's propagandist. Murdoch's lurid brand of journalism was brought to New York not to make money (as our last issue revealed, it's already lost Murdoch $18 million on a newspaper that cost him $30 million in the first place) but to act as the media sup­porter of the Big MAC operation, whose can­nibalistic practices usually go under the euphemism of "austerity."

Another media star that thinks cultism is good business is NBC, which this year has become the National Broadcaster of Cults. Long before the Jonestown events, NBC was popularizing cult beliefs. For example, its widely touted "Holo­caust" series fulfilled the Zionist lobby pro­paganda requirements for instilling necrophiliac paranoia in U.S. and Israeli citizens.

Rev. Jones got what he wanted by getting people to lose their grip on reality. NBC is look­ing to do the same with the whole United States. Even before the Jones blowout, NBC undertook a comprehensive series on such U.S. brainwashees as Synanon and the Hare Krishnas, to inculcate the line that "the future of the world is in the hands of the cults." Now it has announced a new bombshell, "Masada," about 900-plus Jews who, rather than fall into the hands of Roman legionnaires, killed themselves en masse.

But does cultism pay? Murdoch and NBC may find there's "room for one more" in the Kool-aid set. Murdoch has been losing so much money on the Post that last week he was forced to cancel the recently inaugurated Sunday edition, after his planned New York morning tabloid, the Sun, failed to get off the drawing boards. And also last week, NBC canceled half its weekly pro­gramming after a grim look at the ratings.

December 5-11. 1978, Executive Intelligence Review, page 25, Cult politics take over: the California case, by Cornelia Reynolds,

Dionysus is loose in California. I'm proud to be here. The state's not putting anybody to sleep .... This must put the SLA to shame, they could never accomplish what Jimmy Jones did ... I didn't know Jimmy Jones per­sonally, but many of my crowd are saying good things about him, and about many of the things he was doing .... Charlie Manson, of course, was using our tools and techniques from the Merry Prankster days.

These are not the ramblings of some spaced-out zombie in the backwoods of California. They are the comments of Stewart Brand, a top advisor to Cali­fornia Governor Jerry Brown, on the Guyana massa­cre and the Moscone-Milk murders, in an interview immediately following these events. Stewart Brand is not only the founder of The Whole Earth Catalogue, the Sears catalogue of the counter­culture, which members of Jim Jones's Peoples Temple carried in their luggage when they left for Guyana; he is an official advisor to California's Governor Jerry Brown. As Brand's comment illus­trates, the mass suicide of the California-based cult and the brutal murders on Nov. 27 of San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and City Supervisor Harvey Milk are no coincidence. They are the conscious result of a 40-year operation to turn California into a state run on the social-control principles laid out in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. That operation was di­rected primarily through the MK-Ultra experiment in the use of hallucinogenic drugs in mind-control and brainwashing. The final phase of that operation was the creation of a mass countercultural movement of LSD cults of rock music and ritualistic death. de­scribed in recent FOIA documents as the "testing of MK-Ultra materials . . . on unwitting subjects in normal life settings." By the late 1960s, spread by the infamous "Merry Pranksters" operations of Ken Kesey and others, it had destroyed thousands and thousands of America's youth.

With the establishment of cultist Jerry Brown as the governor of California, MK-Ultra became the govern­ment of California. Brown's leading advisors are the leaders of the Kennedy-linked support operations for the development of the counterculture, and his govern­ment and personal friends include top operatives of MK-Ultra and associated networks. They include:

GREGORY BATESON: controller of the initiating MK-Ultra experiments at the Palo Alto, Calif. Veterans Administration Hospital from 1950-1962. Bateson is a Cambridge University-trained "anthropologist," friend of Huxley's from the 1920s, for 15 years husband of the late Margaret Mead, and a regional ethnology specialist in the Office of Strategic Services from 1944 to 1947. Bateson was the personal psychiatrist of Alan Watts, Buddhist guru and foun­der, with Huxley, of the Esalen Institute. In the 1950s, Bateson became spiritual leader and drug supplier for a group of young artists gathered through Stanford University, the Palo Alto VA Hospital, and California School of Fine Arts in San Francisco. This group became the original Merry Pranksters. Bateson ad­dressed Jerry Brown's State Prayer Breakfast in 1976 on the subject of peyote. He is currently a Brown appointee to the California State Board of Regents and a Scholar in Residence at the Esalen Institute.

STEWART BRAND: an original Merry Prankster, re­cruited by Bateson, publisher and editor of The Whole Earth Catalogue and its successor CoEvolution Quar­terly. Brand is an official "special consultant" to Brown, who Brand recently described in print as "in effect ... a contributing editor for CoEvolution Quar­terly, at no pay."

KEN KESEY: leader of the Merry Pranksters and orchestrator of the so-called "Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test." Kesey, a former jailbird, was invited by Brown in October 1977 to address the governor's staff on the subject of police practices.

SIM VAN DER RYN: key provocateur of Berkeley's "People's Park" riots ; technical advisor to Brand's CO; protege of Buckminster Fuller. founder of the Farralones Institute. a West Coast think tank special­izing in solar energy research. Van der Ryn met Brown at the San Francisco Zen Center ; he was ap­pointed the California State Architect and head of the Brown-created State Department of Appropriate Technologies.

THEODORA KROEBER-QUINN: British-trained anthropologist, close friend of Bateson's, author of Ishi in Two Worlds, a cult anthropology book which develops themes originating in Brave New World. Appointed by Brown to the State Board of Regents.

ZENTATSU BAKER-ROSHI: Zen "priest," head of the San Francisco Zen Center, where Brown goes to meditate. Baker-Roshi is one of a string of gurus, including MK-Ultra operative Baba Ram Das, the former Richard Alpert, who have advised Brown on "spiritual" matters. Baker-Roshi's Zen Center was founded in 1959 with aid from Alan Watts, who accord­ing to a representative of the Center "may still be associated with us, but I don't know since he's passed over."

By the time of San Francisco's 1968 [sic] "Summer of Love," the number of "freaks" in California had reached major proportions. Haight-Asbury was run by the so-called "Diggers," which included key figures previously involved in the founding of the Los Angeles Free Press, one of the earliest models for the underground press, which would later be instrumental in the success of Jerry Brown's first electoral cam­paign. Haight leaders held their power on the basis of their known connections to MK-Ultra drug sources. Their control of San Francisco's LSD culture was institutionalized in the creation of the Haight-Asbury Free Clinic, which was founded by an MK-Ultra connected psychiatrist, Ernest Dernberg, and Roger Smith. street-gang organizer and parole officer of later mass murderer Charles Manson.

The clinic was itself controlled through the Langley­-Porter Clinic, where Bateson had worked before his term at the Palo Alto VA Hospital, and which directly took part in MK-Ultra related experiments. The Haight clinic was the first in a city-wide network of drug clinics which included the North East Mental Health Clinic and the Los Siete Clinic, which were con­nected to what one key NEMH staffer described as the Black Liberation Army's "underground railroad," and the Delancey Street Foundation, directed by MK Ultra operative Dr. Joel Fort, who later helped found Project One.

Parallel to the "hippie" developments in the Haight, the culture of "political" hippies was being developed in Berkeley, out of the refuse of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement of the early 1960s.

By the second half of the 1960s a major migration of these elements to northern California had begun. The key figure in directing this migration was anarchist­ terrorist Murray Bookchin, a personal friend of Bateson, who is today key controller of Spain's Basque terrorists. Allan Hoffman, a personal protege of Book­chin's and leader of the New York-based "Mother­fuckers," a Diggers-type group controlled by Book­chin, moved to California and began organizing ele­ments of the Diggers, the Hells Angels, and the Motherfuckers into a network of primitive communes centered around Ukiah, the same city to which Jim Jones also took his followers in the mid-1960s.

At the same time Bookchin personally intervened in the network of political communes in Berkeley during a 1967 tour of the West Coast. He called for the estab­lishment of a parallel support network of rural com­munes for "rest and recreation" and study purposes. Like the Jones cult, the Diggers and Bookchin's "politicos" based their plans on the need to survive an inevitable nuclear holocaust. The California network created on this basis has since functioned as a safe­house network for every terrorist operation run through California since that time -- including the Symbionese Liberation Army and the Weathermen.

The creation of Jerry Brown

Literally every cult operation was created or directly supported by these or other known MK-Ultra net­works : "est" and Mind Dynamics, both channeled through Esalen; Transactional Analysis, founded by
Langley-Porter's Eric Burn; Hare Krishnas and other pseudo-Indian "mystic" groups, directed through net­works directly affiliated with Bateson. Simultaneous with the development of mass-based cultism in California, former Jesuit seminarian Jerry

Brown was being developed on a parallel track as the perfect figurehead for an MK-Ultra government. Brown is a totally synthetic politician, a combina­tion of the brainwashing apparatus of MK-Ultra with the heavily entrenched Hollywood-based Kennedy machine in California which together put him into power. Brown's entire career (even given his position as the son of a popular former governor) is inexpli­cable except as a totally controlled media project of these two apparats.

That project critically included the wrecking of the legitimate political networks which had led California during its postwar development boom. Even before running for Governor, Brown and his Kennedy-trained lawyer associates were working with outfits like Common Cause to watergate California politicians on grounds of "illegal campaign financing" and similar issues. The Brown candidacy of 1974, interestingly, was only successful over the political "dead body" of San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto, the front-runner for the Democratic Party nomination, who was de­stroyed by a media brouhaha over alleged "mafia con­nections," after his city had been brutalized by suc­cessive waves of SLA, "zombie killer," and BLA terrorism by the MK-Ultra network.

The use of heavy media manipulation was developed to its height in Brown's campaigns. His campaign for governor was actually based on a stra­tegy of staying out of sight and giving huge media play to his name. Brown's key campaign advisor and later executive secretary, Grey Davis, was trained in the 1972 Los Angeles mayoralty campaign of Tom Bradley under the special direction of David Garth. Garth is a former member of the Army Security Agency, a trained clinical psychoanalyst and McLuhanite brain­washer who has recently gained notoriety directing the campaigns of, among others, New York Governor Carey and New York City gay rights Mayor Koch.

Jerry Brown was picked up as a perfect combina­tion - a 1960s counterculture neo-cultist with a big name and a thoroughly amoral, moldable public profile. Brown's cultism is indicated in his early Jesuit training, in 1956-60, and represents a key to his psycho­logical makeup. The training he underwent in a Jesuit seminary in California was overtly expressive of the (sadistic) military discipline and mind control around which the elitist Jesuit intelligence apparatus is built. Only Latin was spoken in the Novitiate, and total silence was maintained for long periods of time. Once a week a form of criticism-self-criticism, known as delectus, was practiced; novices who broke rules had to confess and ask forgiveness on their knees in front of the entire community; once or twice a month they would bind themselves with chains for an hour at a time; they would also beat themselves on the rear end with a rope.

The underlying approach of the Jesuits dominates everything Brown is, and the Jesuit themes, often mixed with counterculture, MK-Ultra-type "spiritual­ism," are quite out in the open. Brown still studies St. Ignatius, the founder of the Jesuits, and the rules he wrote for the Jesuit order, along with Brown's other anti-growth gurus, particularly E.F. ("Small is Beau­tiful") Schumacher. Early in his term as governor, Brown told an audience of priests, "If you want to know what my administration will be like, look at St. Ignatius's 11th and 12th rules." The rules he referred to dictate that a Jesuit must seek self-mortification, practice self-denial, and abhor worldly needs and desires.

Brown left the Jesuits in 1960, finished college at Berkeley, and went on to Yale Law School. He then served as a law clerk to a family friend and tried to make a career of sorts in law, passing the bar only after two tries and signing up with the prestigious Los Angeles law firm of Tuttle and Taylor, in 1965.

In the late 1960s Jerry Brown became active in the antiwar movement and Eugene McCarthy's presi­dential campaign, attending the Democratic Con­vention as an alternate delegate for him. Brown was already being groomed as a youth-guru political figure, and by the time he announced his first cam­paign for public office in late 1968, it was understood among friends and associates that this was only the opening salvo of a campaign for much bigger stakes. Brown ran and won election that year to the Los Angeles Junior College Board, entirely on the strength of his father's name, with media hype from Los Angeles Free Press networks. He served only one and a half years of a four-year term, using the position to get maximum press coverage. Brown's press aide at that time, and a close associate since, Tom Quinn (Brown was no doubt the only Junior College Board member with a press aide) , has been described by one reporter as "essentially programming Brown to get the greatest amounts of publicity." Brown managed in that short time to advocate a variety of California "radical" causes, from the rights of the Huey Newton-­Eldridge Cleaver Defense Committee and SDS to the use of college property for meetings to defend a teacher dismissed for reading a poem which was des­cribed as "on abnormal sexual relations with God, Christ, and animals."

Brown moved on up with a 1970 campaign for Secretary of State, a campaign that not incidentally persuaded his father to drop a possible comeback bid against Ronald Reagan. Brown's victory came despite a Republican sweep of all other statewide offices except the Senate seat won by John Tunney, a son of another famous father and a former roommate of Ted Kennedy's at law school. Kennedy sycophant Tunney and Brown became close associates, during this period and after.

Brown used his new office exactly as he had his earlier one, but on an expanded scale. Immediately on taking office in January 1971 he began filing high­-publicity lawsuits for failure to comply with campaign financing laws, including a public threat to prosecute 134 candidates. Brown's operation against California politics escalated in April when he announced a campaign in alliance with Common Cause and the People's Lobby to place a Fair Political Practices ini­tiative on the June 1974 ballot. The initiative was drafted by poverty lawyer Daniel Lowenstein and became known as Proposition 9 (later declared uncon­stitutional) . Lowenstein was later appointed head of the Fair Political Practices Commission by Governor Brown. The southern California-based Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, founded by a former Aspen Institute head and OSJ Commander Robert Hutchins, was extensively involved in the Proposition 9 campaign and was a key element in Brown's own Democratic primary victory in the June 1974 election.

The campaign for governor Brown's announcement as a candidate for governor was a surprise -- given that he had zero qualifications -- and Mayor Alioto was the clear front-runner, followed by candidates George Moscone (then a state senator) and Bob Moretti, the powerful speaker of the assembly. Moscone dropped out early, Moretti had no state-wide recognition, and Alioto showed the effect of continual press harassment on his alleged "mafia connections." With Watergate and the help of some key figures in the Democratic machine who swung crucial labor support to him, Brown won the primary, and following that, the governorship.

The record of Brown's governorship will not be dealt with here -- his destruction of nuclear energy development, Proposition 13 austerity operation, and his general anti-growth policies are well enough known.

We return instead to his Governor's apparatus -- along with the MK-Ultra crowd, came the network of poverty and public interest lawyers created straight out of Bobby Kennedy's Justice Department, now centralized nationally through the D.C.-based Center for the Study of Law and Social Policy - which was founded and is run by former Kennedy associates. This "network of people who came through legal services and public interest law" has been described accurately as "the old school tie" of the Brown admin­istration. Brown's top administrative staff and ad­visors come from the California ACLU, and its off­shoots, the San Francisco-based Public Advocates Inc., California Rural Legal Assistance, and the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

Grey Davis is one of these. A graduate of Stanford Law School before serving as a captain in the army in Vietnam, Davis organized for McCarthy in Vietnam and after discharge joined a top Los Angeles law firm. He worked on Tunney's 1970 campaign and then was finance director, under Garth, in the Bradley cam­paign. Another figure is Mickey Kantor, five years a poverty lawyer representing farm workers in Florida and a close buddy of Tony Kline, Brown's legal affairs secretary and founder of CSLSP-affiliated Public Advocates, Inc.

Kantor comes on board in an important post - as campaign manager for Brown's presidential bid of 1976. Kantor ties right back into the Hollywood-liberal networks whose ties to MK-Ultra in both the drug­-running and mass psychosis industry are a major part of this picture. Kantor had managed Senator Cran­ston's re-election campaign in 1 974 and was a member of the law firm of Manatt, Phelps and Rothenberg, a Century City firm whose head, Charles Manatt, has been chairman of the California Democratic Com­mittee since 1 971. This is the firm that Tunney joined when he lost his Senate race in 1976. Finally, and most important, this firm's clients include Eli Lilly, the company whose foundation is one of the major founders of the terrorist networks of MK-Ultra and the Peoples Temple cult.

In managing his presidential bid through Kantor and key Kennedy associate Allard Lowenstein, the Kennedy machine that runs Brown reveals itself. Brown is a stalking horse for Ted Kennedy, a pawn for a bigger pawn, in the planned Cartergate destabilization of the United States. Brown's California is the launching pad for that destabilization - from Jim Jones to Jerry Brown to Ted Kennedy stretches one continuous line of control to that purpose.

-Cornelia Reynolds

Sources for this report included:

Peter Chowka, "Jerry Brown for President," The New Age Journal, July-August, 1976.
CoEvolution Quarterly, Issues 11-18, Fall 1976-Summer 1978.
Department of Army and Central Intelligence Agency Documents concerning MK-Ultra, Bluebird, and Artichoke, released to the public under the Freedom of Information Act; 300 pages.
Robert Pack, Jerry Brown the Philosopher Prince. New York: Stein and Day, 1978.
Dr. Joel Fort, et aI., The Utopiates. London: Tavistock Institute Press, 1965.

Valuable information for this report came from numerous interviews conducted by the author and others with persons directly associated with the events described. These included interviews with a former fellow of the Center for the Study of Demo­cratic Institutions; an interview with Stewart Brand, provided by a New York-based journalist; and inter­views with observers of the 1960s events in Berkeley and San Francisco.

December 5-11. 1978, Executive Intelligence Review, page 29, The Jones cult and the Mau Mau model, by Brian Jenkins.

The 'defectors' group is key to the looming terrorist deployment

Law enforcement officers and private public interest groups investigating the terrorist potentialities of the mass suicide in Guyana must make themselves familiar with the essential features of the two-sided Mau Mau operation of British intelligence services in Africa. The orchestrated gang and countergang deployment of the main Jones group and the so-called "defectors" group conforms in every essential detail of pedigrees and deployments to the gang-countergang operation which the British ran in the Kenyan Mau Mau operation.

The writings of Brigadier Frank Kitson of British intelligence provide the law enforcement officer with all but one crucial fact one needs to know to cope with the dangers posed by the so-called " Jones defectors" group. Kitson merely omits to mention that the original Mau Mau group was created by British intelligence; the rest of the tale as given by Kitson is close to the truth on essentials.

We outline the basic features of the British Mau Mau operation first. Then. we indicate the crucial points of agreement defined by superimposing the Jones follower-defector deployment pattern on the Mau Mau model.

The Mau Mau operation

The basic elements of the British intelligence services' Mau Mau gang-countergang operation in Kenya are as follows:
1. Creation of the gang: The original Mau Mau cult, under the titular leadership of London-trained, "radical" Kenyan nationalist Jomo Kenyatta, was created by the British intelligence service as an Anglican Jesuit operation coordinated by the British Psychological Warfare Division at the Tavistock Institute (Sussex University).
2. Phase one of the deployment: The overall operation was set into motion through a wave of Mau Mau raids against (principally) farms owned by European settlers, with some killing of black Kenyans to spice up the horror effects.
This produced hysterical polarization among the black and white populations of Kenya, with both white-versus-black and black-versus-black features included. This hysteria secured the British the mandate for launching phase two.
3. Phase two of the deployment: A covert, fake Mau Mau gang headed by disguised native whites was deployed as a terrorist force, while a public relations cover was developed around a group of Mau Mau "defectors." "Revelations" about the Mau Mau were prepared by British intelligence and played through the mouths of the controlled "defectors" group. The defectors group thus provided the cover required to aid terrorist operations deployed by the covert, killer squads for which the "defectors" served as a front group.
4. Phase three of the deployment: Fake Mau Mau gangs deployed by British intelligence perpetrated terror against black villages in the populated areas of Mau Mau deployment. This bloody "chaos and con­fusion" operation impelled the villagers to distance themselves in terror from the real Mau Mau. The Mau Mau forces were thus herded into a concentration in which a final air-assisted search-and-seal paramilitary operation wiped out the organization.
5. Model for the operation-Malaya: The "wet-run" model for the Kenya Mau Mau operation was made at the close of World War II in Malaya.
During the war, the British intelligence under China-Burma-India Theater coordination of "that bastard" Lord Mountbatten, and such subalterns as Enoch Powell, had created in the Malaysia area a reserve guerilla force headed by the Chao Chou opium-running networks of the " golden triangle." The British never fully equipped or armed this ethnic Chinese force during the military operations against the forces of Japan. However, at the conclusion of the war, the ethnic Chinese guerrilla reserves were supplied with arms and other equipment in adequate supply for a full-scale, protracted guerrilla operation.

Guerrilla assaults on plantations (especially) were used as a pretext for setting the counter-operation into motion. It was in this setting that "Malaysia" Thompson and others developed the techniques which Thompson and others introduced to CIA operations in Vietnam at the beginning of the 1960s -- the techniques which contributed in the greatest degree to developing in-depth support for the National Liberation Front forces in the rural regions of South Vietnam.

The British obsessively refuse to comprehend the qualitative distinction between such models as "war games" or "controlled experiments" and actual wars involving in-depth warfare considerations. However, the lessons of Mountbatten's bloody controlled experiment in Malaysia did provide a reference point for a successful gang-countergang operation in Kenya, precisely because Kenya represented a controlled experiment -- where Vietnam did not.
6. Policy motives for Mau Mau: Jomo Kenyatta, prior to the Mau Mau operation, was a titular leading figure among Kenyans oriented toward national independence. The British were prepared to give Kenya nominal independence as, predominantly, an agricultural goods and raw materials exporter, within the monetary order of the British Commonwealth. The British were fearful that the newly liberated colonies would opt for either the American Revolution or the Soviet case as a model -- a model of dedication to urban-centered general progress in technolog­ical development of agriculture, industry, and infrastructure. The British needed to draw potential national leaders into an operation in which those leaders and associated layers of the native populations would be sufficiently tamed to submit to the British version of "national independence."
In general, the combined Mau Mau operation was to subject Kenya to a "bloody example" of terror for this desired effect.

The Kissinger policy for southern Africa was and is based on the same British-designed Mau Mau model of white-versus-black plus black-versus-black horror shows, with white mercenaries providing the crucial catalytic element of mass butcheries needed to bring all the other conditioned elements to a maximum degree of frenzy.

An important consideration

The Mau Mau operation, like many other standard British intelligence covert operations techniques, relied on the foolishness of the average citizen, his or her tendency to "pick sides," either as a spectator or participant, in any ongoing fight he or she witnesses. On the basis of this principle, the following sort of operation is standard.

Operation objective: Assassinate a tertiary quality of target who is known to be meeting a contact in a barroom at a given time.

Method: Deploy two separate teams to the location. Team "A" to start a brawl. Team "B" to hit the target under the cover of the diversionary brawl.

Procedure: Two operatives of Team "A" start an argument in the barroom, preferably involving unwitting third or third and fourth parties. If the issues of the rigged conflict are sufficiently aired to the others in the barroom, those bystanders can be psychologically involved on one side or another before the first blow is struck. In the melee, the victim is killed.

That is a crude, classic, and obvious case, but the principle is illustrated -- as in those elections during which most of the population contests preferences for two wretched candidates, both controlled by the same background interests. People generally are suckers for whatever is put front stage as the conflict of a rigged drama; audiences have great difficulty in rising to the mature levels of judgment in which they focus their attention on backstage operations, in which they have the maturity to recognize that it is the audience which is the real target of the operation.

Rabbi "Mau Mau" Davis

Understanding the Kenyan Mau Mau model enables the investigator to understand the case of Rabbi Maurice ("Mau Mau") Davis, formerly of Indianapolis, currently of White Plains. It was Davis, in Indianapolis, who gave Jones his first temple, a disused synagogue sold to Jones under the most informal, "softest" terms -- a "pay me whenever you can" arrangement. The same Davis has been prominently associated with kidnapper Ted Patrick in so-called "deprogramming" of youth recruited to both cults and non-cult organizations.

Although Davis's organization operates under the public-relations cover of rescuing persons from "brainwashing," two known sets of facts concerning the kidnapping operations reveal the true character of the "deprogramming" cult headed by Davis and others. First, although some of the kidnapped persons were in fact "rescued" from behavioral modification groups, this is essentially a convenient, diversionary. public relations cover for the actual character and broader purpose of the "deprogramming" operation. Second, the methods used by Ted Patrick and other "deprogrammers" are based on the most brutal sorts of "back room" brainwashing techniques.

A study of the pedigrees of the Jones "defectors" group, and the background to the organizational cover of the group of "ex-Mau Maus" publicized in the wake of the Jonestown suicide-murder orgy, warns us that any terrorist deployments linked to the Guyana bloodbath are coordinated by forces separated only by "cutoffs" from the sponsorship of the "defectors group." Any person given the crucial facts concerning the background and current propaganda-line of the "defectors group," provided that person knows the Mau Mau model, recognizes immediately that this conforms on all crucial test points of intelligence evaluation to the "NAG" front-group aspect of a standard British-intelligence gang-countergang terrorist operation. It is the same Mau Mau model which the British intelligence services have been perfecting for years in the Ulster horror show.

This conforms to the fact that California kookery has been developed chiefly through various British intelligence deployments, and that the Ukia-cults, of which the Jones case is an example, were developed under the auspices of the "Golden Dawn" operation of British intelligence, the same operation in which Allen Dulles's "MK-Ultra" and Rand corporation involvements were key.

The connection between Lilly Endowment-funded and related operations in Indianapolis to California kookery is second in significance only to the kook-­operations played into California and other locations via nasties embedded in the University of Chicago. In New York State, Edgar Bronfman's Westchester County, plus Rockland State Hospital, is one of the nastiest centers of cultism and other kookery -- including the "Son of Sam" killings.

If one also knows the basic rules for untangling Zionist networks, and knows the key role Israeli intelligence played in the Timothy Leary operations side of the "MK-Ultra" project, the general pattern of British-Zionist-Quaker networks involved in the development of the Jones and other kook cults is understood. Rabbi "Mau Mau" Davis's overlay fits all crucial points of the "Golden Dawn" deployment pattern.

The case of Timothy Stoen gives another, useful overlay. Stoen, reputedly a former CIA agent, was crucial to Jones's success during the early phases of development of the Peoples Temple, and was involved in every phase of the "nasties" which came abruptly to the surface between Summer 1977 and the recent Guyana bloodbath. Stoen is now key to the "defectors group" and the central figure in the chain of circumstances leading directly into the murder of Congressman Ryan and the mass bloodbath. This does not necessarily imply that Stoen is fully witting of the implications of his role, but merely that he is at least a controlled element in the threatened terrorist phase of the "Mau Mau" model under consideration.

Key in the planning level of any terrorist activities linked to the Guyana horror-show is Brian Jenkins of the Rand Corporation. Jenkins is cooperating at high executive levels with British intelligence in planning terrorist operations, and has taken a key role in planning the cult phase of terrorism. This should not be surprising to anyone who is informed of the background of Rand or its various involvements in creating Jones and other cults. Rand was integral, together with such entities as Israeli intelligence and the Office of Naval Intelligence's British-controlled National Training Laboratories, in furthering the British "MK-Ultra" project run under Allen Dulles's CIA cover. Undercover and other most-reliable sources have given us a hard dossier on a very, very "dirty" Brian Jenkins.

1986, Educational Notes No. 1, Libertarian Alliance, The State, Obedience,Training, and Young Rebels: In Defence of Youth Rights, by Ken Schoolland,

Throughout history it has been generally accepted that the government could restrict the freedom of whole segments of the populace. This has been the case because the state has always defined some people as being the property of others. And when these human chattels have rebelled against the control over their lives, they have traditionally been labelled "runaways" — property that somehow stole itself and had to be hunted down and returned by state enforcers.

Runaways: Stolen Property

Prior to the American Civil War, the debate about runaways largely focused on black Americans who were considered to be the slave property of southern plantation owners. The masters always claimed that it was really for the protection of blacks, who were supposedly too ignorant and unskilled to be free and independent.

In the famous Dred Scott case, the Supreme Court declared that runaway slave property could be hunted all over the country and returned to their owners. Every moment of their lives, self-stolen slaves feared that someone might turn them in. The legal marketplace was largely closed to their labours and they remained slaves to any who threatened to expose them to the authorities.

Also common in those days was the treatment of women as the wards and property of their husbands. As Joan Kennedy Taylor has written:
"The fundamental law of the American colonies was the English common law ... which held that when a woman married, her existence as a legal entity ceased, and she could no longer own property, make a contract, make a will, legally hold or control her own earnings, or have any legal rights" [with respect to her children].1
This was basically a definition of legal incompetence. Under such conditions, how could women establish economic independence in the business world if, by simply falling in love, they were legally categorised with the drunk or insane?

Once married, men had an enormous power over their wives. In 1847, for example, Commodore Vanderbilt had finally become wealthy enough to move from Staten Island to a fashionable new house on Washington Place in New York City. When his wife refused to join him in the new house, Vanderbilt had her committed to a sanatorium for several months until she obeyed.2

If self-stolen women dared to try to run away from the torment and abuse of an autocratic husband, there was really nowhere to go. Whereas blacks had been compelled to do work, most states had so-called "protective legislation" that prohibited women from doing work in many trades and professions. White men had the power of the vote and they frequently exercised it to secure most employment to themselves. Any women who still desired independence were relegated to a few very low paying professions or to the illegal market where they might sell their bodies.

A Constitutional Sieve

The 13th Amendment was added to the United States Constitution to outlaw involuntary servitude. The 14th Amendment was written to guarantee equal protection of the law to all citizens. And the 19th Amendment granted women the power of the vote. While blacks and women gained some fragile new freedoms, these measures were still denied to

The lack of any legal rights took the American Indians from complete autonomy to near oblivion in the span of a generation. White intruders were permitted to rob and kill with impunity. And when the Indians rebelled, the cavalry herded them onto desolate reservations like so much government livestock. Courageous runaways were labelled ‘renegades’ and were ruthlessly hunted down.

It was not only Indian wars which resulted in massive infringements of individual rights. The Spanish-American War left U.S. Marines in control of the lives of Filipinos for 40 years. After Pearl Harbour, 120,000 Japanese-Americans were herded into detention camps. It was presumably for their own protection that they lost their citizenship rights, their businesses, their property, and their liberty.

More recently, despite 13th Amendment guarantees against involuntary servitude, hundreds of thousands of young men were drafted to go and kill or be killed in Vietnam. They were told that it was really for their ultimate protection that this decision had been made for them. And runaways were labelled "deserters" or "draft dodgers." Libertarian theoretician and defender of the family Robert Krel, has thus written:
"We must admit that there is something drastically wrong with the family when parents stand around like cattle and sheep and watch their children being hauled away by the state to be slaughtered in some foreign war. Even if we were to conclude that these foreign wars were in the best interest of national defence, not even an animal expects its young to fight its battles for it."3
It is easy, of course, to push the young out to the front lines because of the special station they have in American society and Western society generally — devoid of practically all human rights. And to match this condition is the largest class of runaways in America’s history. At present there are nearly a million young people who have stolen themselves from their legally designated place — intolerable homes and schools. Perhaps there would be many times that number if they weren’t afraid of winding up like a half million other young people who are presently rotting in America’s jails and institutions.

Institutional Horror Stories

These state institutions are rationalised as being necessary for the protection of the young. But consider the Gannet News Service investigation of the Oklahoma State training schools and institutions that revealed the macabre brutalisation of thousands of young people. They have been hogtied with handcuffs, belly chains and leg irons for extended periods, sometimes being suspended from the floor, shackled to toilets, drainpipes, sinks and beds, and kicked or beaten while so confined. Many were hospitalised with serious injuries including broken bones as a result of attacks by adult attendants.4

Young people were also coerced into performing homosexual acts with state employees. They were recruited to join a prostitution and drug ring. Youths were thrown into squalid 5-by-8 solitary confinement cells for weeks at a time. Frequently they were placed under the supervision of convicted felons and chronic sexual offenders. It was common practice for these young people to be strip-searched and prevented from sending or receiving uncensored mail or communicating with outside parties, including attorneys.

All of this went on with the full knowledge of high state officials who blocked numerous efforts to investigate the thousands of complaints that were filtering out. The Hitlerian kingpin was 75-year-old Lloyd Rader, the state's welfare director, who pandered patronage jobs and adoption favors to more than a hundred state legislators, a state Supreme Court judge, and a U.S. Senator. These revelations inspired an examination of Tennessee institutions where much the same story was uncovered. Indeed, state control over the young does not guarantee an end to child abuse. Rather, it makes abuse possible on a massive scale. It is no wonder that one 15-year-old runaway girl in Hawaii tried to run from a police officer who was taking her to the Alder Street detention home. Official reports say that the bullet that smashed into her face while she was fleeing had been accidentally discharged.5 Such "accidents" serve to remind us that death can be the ultimate penalty behind resistance to any law. Furthermore, it is worth noting that runaways are often extremely courageous souls who take enormous risks in fleeing oppressive situations that the state has been, directly or indirectly, involved in creating.

The Omnipresent State

At every stage of human life, state officials have tried to manipulate and shape human behavior. This has invariably led to perverse consequences. Over the years, the state has restricted the methods of contraception as well as the advertising and distribution of contraceptive devices and information. It is no surprise, then, that many people have given birth to children that they did not want.

The state has also injected itself into the process of adoption, outlawing a multitude of ways that people with unwanted infants and children could transfer them to people who want them very much. There are hundreds of thousands of unwanted children who could find homes among the 3 million Americans who wish to adopt them. These would-be parents must wait as long as 5 to 10 years for an adoption — if the social bureaucracies approve the match.6

Despite the demand for adoptions, approvals dropped to 100,000 last year compared with 175,000 a decade ago. An economist with the Canadian Frazer Institute, Walter Block, has thus commented:
"There are a whole host of [rules] — racial, ethnic, religious, medical, and others, imposed by 'responsible' statist adoption agencies. But almost everyone who studies them calls them 'arbitrary' and 'unfair'. They do little to weed out unfit parents. Rather, they seem designed to satisfy the personal likes and dislikes of various bureaucrats."7
According to Robert Krel,
"The present legal system of 'obligation' is one of the primary causes of child abuse. Those who are inclined — indeed, have strong desires — to be parents, are frequently denied the 'responsibility' because of adoption requirements, etc.. Those who are not inclined to accept parental responsibilities are obligated; and by so doing, the legal system obligates children to accept parents they would not choose to have. In Texas, for example, it is against the law to provide shelter for youngsters, because they might be 'runaways'. The present legal system violates a Higher Law — the basic inclinations of human nature."8
Emphasising this point, the former Libertarian Party Presidential candidate Ed Clark wrote in his book, A New Beginning:
"Families across the country ... have traditionally taken in orphaned children, caring for them in their homes. But the state and county welfare agencies, insisting on a myriad of bureaucratic rules, have made these informal arrangements illegal in many cases."
As the child grows up in a legally obligated family the resentments mount and the conditions for both the parent and child frequently become intolerable. These frustrations can lead to neglect, they can explode into chronic beatings, or they can stimulate vengeful sexual exploitation. When young people rebel from this, there is seldom any avenue of escape.

Terrors of Psychiatry

Psychiatrist Peter Breggin charges that the courts not only refuse to extend the protection of the Bill of Rights to children, but “it provides parents with state power to use against their children”. As recently as 1979, the Supreme Court handed down two rulings that declared that when a parent committed an unwilling child to a psychiatric institution it was to be considered a ‘voluntary admission’ because the parent desired the admission. By failing to consider the child and the parent as separate individuals, the Court has denied all procedural safeguards requiring that the child may be present or represented when the commitment is made.9 Says Breggin:
"In all my experiences as a psychiatrist I have seen few more tragic situations than that of the child committed to a mental hospital or institution for the retarded. Many of these facilities are mass custodial lockups which rival concentration camps for their wretched conditions. In the worst, children will be found lying about naked amid feces and urine on bare dungeon floors while unskilled, potentially brutal aides content themselves with maintaining a semblance of order. Even in the best, the child is isolated from society, and robbed of basic amenities and dignities. Most of the time, he will be 'snowed under' with a so-called major tranquillizer, a severely toxic drug which paralyzes the nervous system and performs a chemical lobotomy. If the children of our society need to be protected from anything they need to be protected from commitment to these institutions."
Belatedly, the government has tried to remedy the problems of the unwanted young by paying foster parents to accept a half million young people into their care. True to form, the government has continued to be a disease masquerading as its own cure. When it was discovered that 154 foster children had been assigned to the suicidal People's Temple of Rev. Jim Jones, Senator Alan Cranston asked for an investigation of the program that seemed to be deepening the miseries of the young instead of helping them. Millions of dollars in federal aid, said Cranston, often “end up financing virtual hell holes where children are beaten, starved, and sexually abused."10 And, ironically, the taxpayer is compelled to pay for it all.

Victor Weingarten, executive director of the National Commission on Children in Need of Parents, says that those who run the system have a stake in maintaining the status quo. Institutions, he explains, get up to $24,000 a year for each child they keep, but they receive only one $750 cheque if youngsters are placed for adoption. "The child becomes a hostage for money." According to one foster parent, those conscientious parents who try to change the system "are afraid to complain for fear of losing their children."11

Young Jim Crow

Young people who are bold enough to bolt from the authorities really have nowhere to go. Just as the Jim Crow laws were designed to remove economic opportunities for blacks, and as the so-called “protective legislation” removed economic opportunities for women ... similar legislative measures have barred young people from any legal independence. Despite 14th Amendment guarantees of equal protection of the law for all citizens, young citizens are subject to arrest for innumerable status offenses. These are actions that are only crimes for young people such as curfew violations, truancy, minor consumption, and running away. Just as oppressive, however, are those laws preventing youth employment, such as child labour and minimum wage laws. Except for newspaper publishers, employers are prevented from hiring unskilled young people. They are prevented from offering the young an income while they learn job skills and responsibilities; while they experience independence and the motivation that comes with real achievement. Newspaper publishers, presumably, are the only employers with enough virtue (or political clout) to merit exemption from these regulations.

Since young people are prohibited from earning a living in the legal market, many must resort to the illegal market and learn the talents of survival in thievery, drug peddling, pornography, and prostitution. Seven out of every ten runaway girls in Washington D.C., the nation's capital, survive by selling their bodies. It isn't because young people have a natural proclivity towards these activities. But for most of them all other doors have been closed in the name of "protection."

These young people become easy prey to any one who would threaten to turn them into the police. And that can be quite a threat. Nearly half a million young people are presently rotting in America's jails.12

Nationwide, only 4% of the juvenile jail population have taken part in any violent, serious crimes.13 (If you view taxation as theft and foreign interventionism as a crime, then you could say that juvenile offenders have a much better record than congressmen and senators.) In addition, a study of the Hawaii detention centre showed that 62% of the young inmates had not even violated the law, but had simply been rejected by their parents.14 Such incarceration, however, becomes a nightmarish boot camp for instilling the attitudes and skills of the hardened criminals.

The Twelve Year Sentence

Most of the Nation's young people don’t live under these harsh conditions, but they still receive a form of values indoctrination while serving a 12-year sentence in America's schools. As long as they have a good home life and can conform to the world of the state-approved educator, then many of them will comfortably adopt the values of the system. To ensure this, the state compels parents to assist.

A couple of years ago in Woodburn, Oregon, a Russian immigrant women was told that she would be sent to jail if she did not send her daughter to the public school. Natalie Egoroff contended that the public schools contradicted her religious beliefs. She faced quite a dilemma. If she complied with the state in order to stay out of jail, then it was likely that her daughter would carry out a threat to run away.15

In Hawaii recently, Lynn Israel was arrested and jailed because she wouldn't turn her children over to the public authorities for school. She contended that she had a constitutional right to teach her children at home with or without state approval.16 In Iowa, an associate professor of philosophy at Luther College found himself to be a convicted criminal because he felt that, even without an approved teaching certificate, his children would learn better at home than at the public school.17

These are but a few instances of the force of law threatening obstinate parents. Yet, for the most part, power does not rest on the use of brute force. The essence of power is derived from aquiescence. How did this acquiescence come about?

According to historian Murray Rothbard, compulsory state education stemmed from the Reformation and the ideological battles of that era. In 1524, Martin Luther:
"was the first advocate of compulsory schooling, and his plans were the pattern for the first German schools.
"Furthermore, he inculcated Lutherans with the ideals of obedience to the state and the belief that all dissenters must be persecuted. As [Lord] Acton states, he impressed on his party that character of political dependence, and that habit of passive obedience to the state, which it has ever since retained ... It is hardly coincidence that the most notoriously despotic state in Europe — Prussia — was the first to have a national system of compulsory education."18
Throughout Europe, totalitarian regimes of all types have followed suit with the realisation that:
"the indoctrination of the nation’s youth in their schools is one of the chief mainstays of the slave-states ... At the base of both totalitarianism and compulsory education is the idea that the children belong to the state rather than to their parents. One of the leading promoters of this idea in Europe during the late Eighteenth century was the notorious Marquis de Sade, who insisted that the children are the property of the state."
Amidst the long history of such proclamations in America, Jeff Riggenbach cites the Rev. Jeremy Belknap who, in 1785, argued for
"compulsory public schools for all, on the grounds that children belong not to their parents, but to the state."
This attitude was reflected by a New York City public school official, in 1917, who stated that:
"Public school teachers are state servants ... Teachers are in a position analogous to that of the army and the police force; it is their business to support organized institutions ..."
A couple of years later, a New York legislator announced that:
"The prime purpose of the public educational system is to prepare students in the public schools to assume the obligations and duties of citizenship in this State. The public school teacher is a representative and officer of the State as it now exists. He is employed by that state to teach loyalty to its institutions and obedience to its laws."19
In the words of educational historian Samuel Blumenfeld, compulsory education
"appealed to the conservatives as a means of controlling the Catholic and foreign tide. It appealed to the socialists because it promised the creation of an instrument of central education policy in which a few could control the many. And it appealed to the educators because of its obvious economic and social benefits to themselves."20
Young Inmates Rebel

The present condition of the New York City schools, as barbed wire compounds where as many as 100,000 students refuse to show up every day and where armed guards patrol every movement between bathrooms and drinking fountains, is a testament to the logic of pretending to teach about the virtues of a "free society" through a system of compulsory attendance and compulsory financing. According to Riggenbach:
"The only thing that seems to have changed in the past 10 years is that the inmates, in growing numbers, have begun striking back ... more than 5000 public secondary school teachers are attacked by students every month in this country — and about a thousand of them are seriously injured."21
Despite these injuries to teachers, it is difficult to have much sympathy for people who choose an employer that forces students to accept their services. In true Nuremburg fashion, teachers claim that they are just carrying out the law, yet they certainly seem capable of going on strike when a change in the law affects their salaries.

John Holt, author of How Children Fail, observed that:
"Mom doesn't want [the young people] around the house, the citizens do not want them out in the streets, and workers do not want them in the labor force. What then do we do with them? We put them in schools. They are a kind of day jail for kids."22
If schools were really intended for attaining educational competence, then students would be encouraged to take a competency test at whatever age they are ready. But, according to Christopher Jencks, the development of competence is not the real function of the school. Says Jencks:
"The primary criterion for certifying a student is usually the amount of time he has spent in school, not the skills he has learned."23
As a result, he has been kept out of the labor market throughout all the years of his youth and, upon graduation, he may still not have gained any competencies. Commenting about the 10,000 hours of forced non-learning, Jeff Riggenbach asserts that:
"This fact of imprisonment and obedience-training is at once justified and evaded by calling the prison a 'school,' the jailers 'teachers,' the prisoners 'students,' and the obedience-training ‘education.’ What students are taught ... is not reading, writing, and arithmetic; it’s docility, obedience, and the capacity to tolerate a life of stupefying boredom, monotonously performing meaningless routine tasks at the behest of another ..." 24
There is mounting evidence that Riggenbach is right. Despite a national education budget in excess of $100 billion,25 experts say that:
"more than half the adult population could be considered functionally illiterate."26
That is shocking when you consider that even the U.S. Bureau of the Census claims that the illiteracy rate in 1890 was less than 8% when barely half the population went to school.27 In that century it was more commonly recognised that schools were only one of a multitude of places where learning took place. But today people frequently assume that learning only occurs in the uniform state approved schools.

Educational Surrealism

Economics teachers today are occasionally given awards for simulating the marketplace in the classroom. Maths and English teachers are applauded for their real life class assignments. Students are given letter grades and paper stars to show how important rewards and achievement are to motivation. But the law prevents many young people from actually seeking what may be more appropriate training and learning experiences for their own lives. And when they are finally released from the public schools, millions of them flock to expensive vocational training schools to get the training that they weren't allowed to get in the marketplace while they were growing up.

When the education establishment fails, it is typical of educators and parents alike to blame the young people for lack of discipline. Sweeping the nation is a new treatment for willful student disobedience — this is called "in-house suspension". For those who marvel at the contemporary semantic genius that created such terms as "internal exile", "re-education camps", and "behavior modification centers", then "in-house suspension" should send chills up the spine when considering what it prepares young people to accept in the future. This particular punishment frequently involves the placing of defiant young people in small, isolated, windowless rooms on the school grounds so that the administrators won't lose State funding for a drop in the body count. This method of funding makes a truant officer a kind of bounty hunter. And with the trend toward declining school enrolment, teachers have more time now to rotate in as guards. Since suspended students are not so embarrassingly visible to the community anymore, students can be "internally suspended" for an increasing number of minor offenses. At one school in Alaska, a school that reportedly used a janitorial closet for confinement, the teachers unanimously signed a petition to resist efforts to establish guidelines for disciplinary actions that they might take. The teachers preferred to retain "flexibility" in administering their punishments. What rulers throughout history haven't preferred such unrestrained authority?

The Alaska State Department of Education recently gave its revered MERIT award to one school for “in-house suspension” to “recognize and reward successful educational practices”. Of course, this is not an educational practice at all! It is a confinement practice! With education awards being given for creative confinement, it is quite obvious what the worsening trend will be for quite some time to come. It is argued that such an enforcement mechanism is necessary for the good and protection of the students. This, of course, is not a new argument. It has always been raised when advocating special wards, reservations, or camps for the powerless. It is an argument which has often rationalised the “adolescent” impulses of autocrats. One school board official told me that such programmes were necessary to keep young people in school so that they could learn right from wrong before going out into the world on their own. But perhaps these young people know better than their elders that the state is not an entity from which to learn morality. If anything, the state practices an immorality that far exceeds even the worst nightmares of the young.

Learning Right From Wrong

While preparing for their careers, young people learn from the authorities that, when consumers are not interested in a product, it is perfectly alright to force them to pay for it and to force them to swallow it. What a virtuous model to imitate! In school, young people might study about how their parents face jail if they do not pay their taxes to subsidise tobacco farmers and to send tons of tobacco abroad under the Food for Peace program. At the same time they hear that their older brothers and sisters have been hauled off to jail in order to protect them from smoking marijuana. In economics class, young people might study about starvation throughout the world and how the Department of Agriculture has taken a quarter of all the American farm land out of production and has stored or thrown away millions of tons of food in order to keep agricultural prices high. In political science class, young people might learn about the courageous Solidarity workers in Poland who were imprisoned because they refused to work when they were ordered to by the authorities. And from the isolation of "in-house suspension", a student might sneak a look at a magazine that details the tragedy of prisoners of conscience around the world. Or they might pick up a history text and ponder the relevance of the Bill of Rights to their own condition.

Last year, officials in China and the U.S. expressed outrage that the history textbooks in Japan had been revised to re-interpret Japanese aggressions in a more favorable light. Yet according to the Indochina Curriculum Group in Cambridge, Massachusetts, much the same has been done in American textbooks.
"After every war in which the United States has fought, schools have been used to justify that war to the next generations. Textbook interpretations have stressed the necessity of our involvement and the correctness and morality of the United States’ part in the war." 28
Until recently, textbook publishers in Texas were required to take a loyalty oath before their books could be marketed to the state’s school system. And the Texas State House of Representatives issued a resolution urging that:
"the American history courses in the public schools emphasize in the textbooks our glowing and throbbing history of hearts and souls inspired by wonderful principles and traditions."29
But there are plenty of reasons which might cause a student to wonder whether recent leaders have been applying those "wonderful principles and traditions." For example, the National Taxpayers Union claims that the U.S. government has financed both sides of 14 different wars in the past 20 years. Must a young student be compelled to pledge allegiance to national leaders who would tax his parents and threaten to draft his older brothers to support such policies? Is this the morality that he or she should emulate? For a third of my life America has been openly at war — and I never once heard of a child dropping napalm on a village before the state trained him to do it.

More interesting to the student in the current events class might be the front page of the newspapers where the nation’s leaders claim that the route to security and arms reduction in the world is through the most massive arms build-up in history. The student might then diligently turn to his English literature assignment and read about George Orwell's 1984 "doublethink":
"War is Peace — Ignorance is Strength — Slavery is Freedom."
Says Peter Breggin:
"A society whose children are raised without respect for their rights is a society whose children will grow up without a commitment to or understanding of rights in general. An assault on the rights of children prepares us for generations of adults who will have reached maturity in relative unawareness of their own rights or the rights of others in society." 30
Eight Principles for Youth Rights

To rectify this tragic condition of young people, it is absolutely necessary to recognise that young people are human beings and, as such, have the same rights as every other human being.

More specifically, many laws must be changed or terminated, including:
1. Laws governing the distribution and advertising of contraceptives;
2. Laws preventing or restricting the transfer of the young by adoption;
3. Laws preventing young people from selecting guardians of their own choosing;
4. Laws establishing status offenses that are crimes for young people only;
5. Laws preventing young people from working and laws mandating minimum wages;
6. Laws that compel school attendance and public school financing;
7. Laws that restrict the establishment of private alternative schools or home learning;
8. Laws that deny fundamental protections against involuntary commitment to mental or correctional institutions.

1. Joan Kennedy Taylor, "ERA: A Pyrrhic Victory for Conservatives", Libertarian Review, 12-78, p. 32.
2. Stewart Holbrook, Age of the Moguls, p. 14.
3. Robert Krel, The Familist, 3-83, p. 7.
4. "Institutional Child-Abuse Reported", Honolulu Star Bulletin, 8 February 1982.
5. Ibid., 15 February 1981.
6. "Why Adoptions Get Harder Every Year", U.S. News and World Report, 20 August 1982. (It must also be noted that adoptions are blocked by an immigration law that prevents the acceptance of 80,000 Amerasian children of U.S. servicemen.)
7. Walter Block, "On 'Baby Selling'", Libertarian Review, 1-79, p. 44.
8. Robert Krel, The Familist, Fall '82, p. 8.
9. Peter Breggin, "The Supreme Court as Child Abuser", Libertarian Review, 7-81, pp. 36-41.
10. "A Hard Look at America's Foster Homes", U.S. News and World Report, 19 February 1979, p. 70.
11. Ibid.
12. "Why So Many Young People Die in Our Jails", Parade, 23 May 1982, pp. 4-7.
13. "Help, Not Jail, To Set Young Offenders Right", U.S. News and World, 10 November 1980, p. 64.
14. "The Clubhouse Effect: Learning the Tricks of the Trade and the Trade is the Criminal Life", Honolulu Star Bulletin, 19 July 1981, p. A-3.
15. "Old Believer Faces Jail for Child's Absence From School", Anchorage Daily News, 15 April 1978.
16. "Group: Jailed Mom Fighting for Rights", Honolulu Star Bulletin, 13 December 1981.
17. "Home Schooling: Up From the Underground", Reason, 4-83, pp. 21-29.
18. Murray Rothbard, Education: Free and Compulsory, The Center for Independent Education, Wichita, Kansas, n.d., pp. 24-27.
19. Jeff Riggenbach, "The Collapse of the Public Schools", Libertarian Review, 7-78, pp. 19-25.
20. Samuel Blumenfeld, "Educating for Conformity", Inquiry, 9-1 September 1981, p. 27.
21. Jeff Riggenbach, op. cit., pp. 19-25.
22. Ibid.
23. M. S. Katz, "A History of Compulsory Education Laws", Phi Delta Kappa, p. 33.
24. Jeff Riggenbach, op. cit.
25. "The Victims of Dick and Jane", Reason, 10-82, p. 22.
26. "A Nation of Illiterates", U.S. News and World Report, 17 May 1982, p. 54.
27. Bicentennial Pocket Data Book, U.S. Bureau of the Census, Washington, D. C., 1976, p. 383.
28. "Revisionism in the Classroom", Liberty, 11-80, p. 8.
29. "Governments Flunk History: Rewriting the Textbooks", Inquiry, 10-82, p. 7.
30. Peter Breggin, op. cit., p. 37.

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